
Content Management System phpCMS 1.2.0 final released

August 16th, 2004. After the last release-candidate of the Open Source Content Management System phpCMS 1.2.0 has been successfully tested for several months in productive environments on several hundred websites, the phpCMS team today released the final version of phpCMS 1.2.0. In difference to the previous version 1.1.9 all modules have been revised while maintaining the highest possible backward compatibility. The main emphasis of the development was put on stability and usability

phpCMS is an Open Source content management system published under the GNU Public License. It convinces especially by its low system requirements, high performance and a huge flexibility.

Therefore phpCMS is suitable both for small private websites and also for complex business appearances and high traffic websites including embedded webservices or external applications.

In difference to most other Content Management Systems, phpCMS is completely flatfile-based, so it doesn't require any SQL database. Due to an intelligent caching system and the performance-optimized programming even small dimensionated webservers are able to serve more than 100 requests per second.

Users of phpCMS versions prior to 1.2.0rc1 and especially users of phpCMS 1.1.9 and older are recommended to update to phpCMS 1.2.0.

Some features of phpCMS are:

* completely flatfile-based, no SQL database is needed
* flexible template system with the possibility to include PHP code in templates and content
* centralized administration of the menu structure
* automatic sitemap generation
* intelligent two-staged caching
* index-based fulltext search for extreme fast searches
* indexer for the scheduled creation of the fulltext search index
o the built-in HTTP-client can also index content from external applications so it can be found in the fulltext search
* plugin interface for easy enhancements with a large amount of existing plugins
* easy embedding of external applications in phpCMS sites (usage as framework for arbitrary webapplications is possible)
o PHP applications like external forums, guestbooks, galleries etc. can be included directly
o with the WebGrab-module every other webbased application can be included (independent of the used programming language)
* searchmachines friendly and userfriendly with user transparent "Stealth-Mode"
* built-in statistics module
* spider to produce a static image of a complete website
* built-in online editor to edit content via web browser
* admin GUI with integrated filemanager and cache-viewer

More information about the phpCMS team

The original phpCMS version was programmed by Michael Brauchl. At the beginning of 2003 the development was handed over to a team mainly originated from germany under direction of Bernhard Grn.

For further information please contact:

Bernhard Grn
Derler Strae 150a
D-66346 Pttlingen
Telefon: +49 6898 689827

Posted by Bernhard Grün 2004-08-16

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