
PHP-IRC / News: Recent posts

PHP-IRC 2.2.1 Released

I have released PHP-IRC 2.2.1. This is just to prove to everyone that yes, the project is still active, if just stalled for a while.

Posted by John Doe 2006-04-08

New Website!

I have completed the website, and the forums at;

The site also includes a module project system, such that people can submit their own work for download. Hopefully this gets a lot of use. PHP-IRC 2.2.1 is coming in a week or so, and contains some minor to major bug fixes. Some new features too, but not that many.

See you all for now.

Posted by John Doe 2006-01-28

New Direction of Project

I've setup a subversion repository, and also a set of forums for php-irc at and I am also looking for an open source simple file distribution (kinda gallery) setup for mods. If anyone knows of anything, let me know. I'm hoping that the project can move in a new direction of collaborated development, as I no longer have enough time to contribute fully to this project. Come by the irc channel and we can talk if you want to be part of the development team.

Posted by John Doe 2005-07-19

PHP-IRC 2.2.0 Released!

Check the changes.txt and readme.txt for details.

Posted by John Doe 2005-02-11

PHP-IRC 2.1.1 Released!

Check the changes.txt file for details.

Posted by John Doe 2004-10-22

PHP-IRC 2.1 Released!

Adds new functionality such as dcc file transfer support, module based user defined functions, custom dcc chat handlers, bug fixes, and the like.

Posted by John Doe 2004-09-28

2.0.2 Almost Ready

I've been working hard and 2.0.2 is almost ready.

Notable changes include:

- User-Defined code can now be written as standalone modules
- DCC File Upload/Download transfer support

Stay tuned.

Posted by John Doe 2004-09-08


Welcome to PHP-IRC, a 100% php5 based irc bot with several features to help reduce the hassle of information related tasks in IRC. I am currently looking for willing developers to help make this project succeed. Future developments will include file transfer support and modulized functions. Hopefully much more as well!

Thank you for your interest in this project.

Posted by John Doe 2004-07-26