
PHP-WebStatus Monitor / News: Recent posts

Release-1.1.0 Is Now Available!

We have fixed many major and minor bugs in this new release:
A major database bug
A major registration bug
A minor stats display bug
A minor e-mail bug

Features added:
Ability to e-mail members
New images

This new version is online at and registration is FREE! Try it today!

Posted by Anonymous 2002-06-27

Major Registration Bug Fixed @

Well seems I had a major bug in my registration system. But it did not come up until recently. The database was automatically disconnection itself, with no explaination or warning.

Many of you may have noticed after you registered the page ( would be completely empty. Well that was a problem, and has been solved now.

If you notice any bugs, please post them on the bug tracker: read more

Posted by Anonymous 2002-06-26

Server Upgraded

Our server has been upgraded to FreeBSD 4.6. We also fixed a configuration issue that caused the apache webserver to not restart when the server rebooted. This was part of the downtime last week.

The downtime was minimal. It was a few 20 second reboots over a 10 minute period. We are also installing a UPS tommorrow or Tuesday, which will cause a 20 second reboot.

Other than that we expect to rack up another 100+ day uptime on our server!... read more

Posted by Anonymous 2002-06-24

Now over 100 users!

Our service is growing rapidly. With over 100 users signed up on my server and 319 total downloads to date. That means alot of users are using our script and our FREE service!

To join for FREE goto

Posted by Anonymous 2002-06-21

Power Outage

We had a power outage on Tuesday June 18 at about 2 am. The outage caused our router to turn off, and not come back online until I rebooted it in the morning.

Now this caused 2 things to happen. One, our server turned off, and caused apache to barf, and not start back up properly when the power came back online. And two, our server was madly sending out connection error e-mails, and there may have been no real connection problem.... read more

Posted by Anonymous 2002-06-21

Website Upgraded! Final Script Released!

We have upgraded the look and feel of the webmonitor website. Take a look at our production site at:

We have also decided that the script, because we have been using it in production for the last month, that it is stable enough to release.

So enjoy folks! And don't forget to sign up for an account on our production server!

Posted by Anonymous 2002-06-04

Server Upgraded! Domain Name Live!

We have upgraded the server to Apache 2.0.36/PHP 4.2.1 and all seems to be working great! The server seems faster (maybe it is just me =)). Our new domain name is also completely active.

We would like to take this opportunity to invite everyone to sign up for an account on the server and start monitoring their websites!

Posted by Anonymous 2002-05-14

WebStatus.Org Domain Semi-Live

The domain is now semi-live. The TLDs have reflected the changes, but it is still working it's way through the net.

The DNS server is properly responding to the requests so now we must just be patient.

You may goto the new domain at

Posted by Anonymous 2002-05-12

New Domain Name

There is now a dedicated domain name for the test server. It will soon be live and you can visit it at

The site will eventually turn into a live site that provides this service to the general public. But of course the code will still be available.

Test Server:

Posted by Anonymous 2002-05-11

NIC Card Problem Resolved

It seems the NIC card I had in the server had a slight problem with FreeBSD and was not allowing me to even get 1Mb out of it. So I broke out the old trusty 3com 10Mb card. Even though it aint no 100Mb, it beats 1Mb =)

So after about 10 secs of downtime, the server is back up at

Maybe I can find a 100Mb card kicking around here somewhere.

Posted by Anonymous 2002-05-10

Minor Server Fixes.

Fixed a few minor bugs in php that caused the script to be obnormally slow. The script should now run great!

Check out the test server:

Posted by Anonymous 2002-05-06

FreeBSD Bug Patched

Well fixed a well-known FreeBSD bug today, and the site seems to be quite stable, hasn't rebooted since the upgrade:

12:15AM up 3 days, 8:54, 4 users, load averages: 0.50, 0.30, 0.26

You can visit the site at:

Posted by Anonymous 2002-05-05

Major Server Upgrade

Well finally my parts for my client upgrade are here, and it is now a Athlon XP 1800+ =))

So in the meantime I took my old parts and threw them into the server. These are the new specs:
AMD K6-2 450mhz
64MB of ram

To visit the new FAST server goto:

Posted by Anonymous 2002-05-01

Test Server Ram Upgrade

I've upgraded the ram to 64MB. It should speed things up quite considerably.

You can visit the test server at

Unfortunately the machine does not support 32MB chips. Oh well what can ya do.

Posted by Anonymous 2002-04-22

Test Server Upgrade

Well, it seems FreeBSD's install makes NO sense. I have a 20GB hard drive, and it set the swap file to 40MB, what is the point in that?

So I have found a 800MB hard drive that I have kicking around, installed it, and used the whole thing as a swap drive.

So the server should have a bit more resources now. I am gonna go look to see if I can find some second hand 72pin simms tommorrow. 32MB aint cutting it.... read more

Posted by Anonymous 2002-04-21

New Test Server Online

We have built, installed, and transfered the data and traffic to the new machine. Though it would be nice to have a little more ram, the machine seems to be running stable, and fairly fast.

The new server is online at

Please e-mail any problems you find with this server.

Posted by Anonymous 2002-04-19

Test Server Stability Problems

We are having some difficulties keeping the test server online more than 2-3 days. This will be fixed when we get our new server online (installing FreeBSD as I type). Until then, our current server will stay up:

The new server is only a Pentium 75 with 32MB Ram (soon to be 64). But since it is not running much, this should be plenty. It has a huge 20GB hard drive though (huge in comparision).... read more

Posted by Anonymous 2002-04-18

Test Server Upgrade Problems

There seems to be no current php version that will work correctly with apache2. Until PHP is fixed to work properly, or I can find a fix for the crashes I am getting, I am sticking with apache1.3.
The test server is back online at

Posted by Anonymous 2002-04-16

Planned Outage For Test Server

The test server will be going down periodically from now 9:25pm PST until around 12:00am PST. We are upgrading to apache 2.0.35.

Thank you for your patience.

Posted by Anonymous 2002-04-15

Test Server Outage

For those of you that were trying to access the test server from about 12am-9am PST, it was down due to a power outage. I really need to get a UPS. But the site is now up and running at

Posted by Anonymous 2002-04-14

Beta1.1.6 Released!

This new version has a admin management section. We've added a 300 error section on the stats page. It also includes a few basic bug fixes.

The test server has been updated:

Posted by Anonymous 2002-04-11

Beta-1.1.5 Released!

I've almost completely rewritten the script to fix some basic authentication bugs. I've also added a admin/allsites.php page that allows the admin to see all the sites that the script is currently monitoring. I also changed the checksites.php file to only grab the site header, rather than the whole page.

The test server has been updated with the new version, it can be viewed at:

Posted by Anonymous 2002-04-10

Graphic Link!

I would appriciate if anyone was able to add my graphic link to their pages that are being monitored by the script. Here's the html code:
<a href=""><img src="" alt="Monitored By WebMonitor"></a>

Thanks for your support!

Posted by Anonymous 2002-04-04

Beta Testers Needed!!

The test server is open for free accounts. So if you want to monitor your websites connectivity, or you want to test out the site, you may do so! The url is

If you have a site, that you would like me to post on here and on the website, just drop me a line or post a message in the forum!

Posted by Anonymous 2002-04-04

Beta-1.1.0 Released!

This is a big release. We have fixed a number of bugs, and also added the following features:

-Added a e-mail verification system
-Added an admin section for viewing unverified e-mails.

+++++++++ NOTICE ++++++++++
You must upgrade your database to the new version.

The test server ( ) has been running the new version for the last day or two.

Posted by Anonymous 2002-04-03