
No Music.

  • Nobody/Anonymous


    I've got all the depend packages specified.  For some reason, I can't play music on my soundstrip.  Please advise.  Thank you.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    the same here under pclinuxos…
    That is, was i add as required

    Requires:   python >= 2.5 
    Requires:   wxPython >= 2.8.0 
    Requires:   python-imaging
    Requires:   wxPythonGTK-wxversion >= 2.8.0
    Requires:   mencoder

    Need more?
    And Helpfiles don't display?
    That files is packed


    Thanks for efforts

    Daniel aka blindschleiche

  • adajun10

    adajun10 - 2011-09-02

    I have the same issue.  I get music when i do a vcd, but not when i do a dvd


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