
Presto / Blog: Recent posts

First check-in

Presto is a properly Web 2.0* built platform for rapid application development.

Built in mod_perl to run on Apache and inherently scalable in its design, the system can be expanded with only a front-end developer and someone who knows SQL in the majority of use-cases.

READMEs are littered all around to explain how things work, so I'll let them stand until I get some proper documentation written up.

What you will NEED is an installation of Apache 2 with mod_perl2 installed. On modern Linux systems this is easily done with a few apt-get calls.... read more

Posted by Sean Dodger Cannon 2011-10-12 Labels: Presto perl mod_perl MySQL Apache Web 2.0 RPC REST Web services Rapid Development JavaScript Naked Objects MVC Ruby on Rails framework