
Pcsx - Pc Psx Emulator / News: Recent posts

Pcsx Source v1.5 Released

hi, sorry for the lack of updates in here, i'll be mantaining a bit the page and also the cvs from now on, so keep checking the page :).

Posted by linuzappz 2003-07-03

Pcsx Source v1.1 Released

hi, now the source v1.1, get it in the download section, and if you want to know the progress you can also get the CVS, it gets updated every time we change something.


Posted by linuzappz 2002-02-15

CVS uploaded

now the cvs is working, and it has the last changes to pcsx.


Posted by linuzappz 2002-01-26

Pcsx-1.0-patch released

hi, i released a patch for this:
* GetTD and GetTN cmds are now non-blocking and added error code,
CdRom.c (linuzappz)
* Simplified queuing code and now reads are done like cmds (instead of
using the synk stuff), CdRom.c/R3000A.c (linuzappz)
* Made a workaround for iso cdrom plugins, when they changed the dir,
Plugin.c/WndMain.c (linuzappz)
* Fixed bug in CdRom.c (gcc3 support) (linuzappz)

Posted by linuzappz 2002-01-08

Pcsx Source v1.0 Released

Here is the complete pcsx source code, if anyone wants to help mail me at <>.

Posted by linuzappz 2002-01-05