
PBSuite_15.2.20 output error

  • Gunnar Hönig

    Gunnar Hönig - 2015-02-26


    I set up PBSuite_15.2.20 as stated in the documentation. I could run all steps with the test file, but get the following error with my own files in the last step (output):

    2015-02-26 14:27:55,005 [DEBUG] Moving from ref0000004.50e5 to ref0000004.49e3 (p=1)
    2015-02-26 14:27:55,005 [DEBUG] improved gap
    2015-02-26 14:27:55,005 [DEBUG] Getting fill sequence for ref0000004.49e3_ref0000004.50e5
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "/home/gunnar/Programme/PBSuite_15.2.20//bin//", line 949, in <module>
    File "/home/gunnar/Programme/PBSuite_15.2.20//bin//", line 909, in run
    File "/home/gunnar/Programme/PBSuite_15.2.20//bin//", line 792, in outputContigs
    seq = data.getSequence()
    File "/home/gunnar/Programme/PBSuite_15.2.20//bin//", line 181, in getSequence
    if gapLen < self.GAPINFLATE:
    AttributeError: FillingMetrics instance has no attribute 'GAPINFLATE'

    Thanks for your help.

  • Paul B.

    Paul B. - 2015-02-26

    I'm experiencing the EXACT issue that Gunnar describes above. I, too, can run the test data to completion with no problems. In other words, output / seemed to work fine. However, now that I'm trying with my own data, it fails and I get the identical Traceback:

    2015-02-26 09:23:03,586 [DEBUG] Getting fill sequence for ref0000032.0e3_ref0000032.1e5
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "/appl/PBSuite_15.2.20/bin/", line 949, in <module>
    File "/appl/PBSuite_15.2.20/bin/", line 909, in run
    File "/appl/PBSuite_15.2.20/bin/", line 792, in outputContigs
    seq = data.getSequence()
    File "/appl/PBSuite_15.2.20/bin/", line 181, in getSequence
    if gapLen < self.GAPINFLATE:
    AttributeError: FillingMetrics instance has no attribute 'GAPINFLATE'

    The output stage seems to 'finish', but the output files jelly.out.fasta and jelly.out.qual are empty.

    I'm currently using version PBSuite_15.2.20, networkx v1.1, python 2.7.6,

    Many thanks for any help here!

  • Adam English

    Adam English - 2015-02-26

    This was a bug that our qc checks didn't catch before the version freeze.
    I've uploaded a patched version in PBSuite_15.2.20.p1.tgz

    • Paul B.

      Paul B. - 2015-02-26

      Awesome - thanks Adam. Downloading now...

  • Paul B.

    Paul B. - 2015-02-26

    The patch works!! Thanks again, Adam!

  • Gunnar Hönig

    Gunnar Hönig - 2015-03-02

    Yes I just wanted to add my thanks. It is working now. Amazing reaction time.


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