
#552 Adding files in an entry


How about adding files, any kind of files (and maybe of any size) in an entry? I don't know how files can be stored in the DB but this feature would help a lot.


  • nikosd

    nikosd - 2010-05-26

    use case of adding files

  • DrK

    DrK - 2010-05-26


    I have already coded a POC (Proof of Concept) for this feature and it is under test.

    In my opinion, the attachments should not be stored in the database as, if there are many, there will be an unacceptable overhead of writing them to the database every time the user saves any change to any entry, even if the change is unrelated to the attachment in any entry (note: the default is for PasswordSafe to save every time a user adds or edits any entry).

    One big issue is the Undo/Redo feature in PWS. If a user deletes an entry with attachments and then changes their mind and undoes that action - what happens to the attachments? My current solution is when an attachment is changed (either a property of it, or the user deletes it, or the user deletes the complete entry), I just mark it as being changed/deleted. Only when the user closes the database are deleted attachments purged.

    Other issues revolve around how secure the attachment is when it has been extracted onto the user's PC - which may not be their's but at another location. I have partially dealt with this by allowing the user to specify a secure erasure/deletion program and also restricting where the extracted attachment can be placed (i.e. on removable media that can be securely erased).

    As I said, this is a POC. It may never get into a formal release as it stands or even a modified form.

  • nikosd

    nikosd - 2010-05-26

    First of all I replied your e-mail but you probably didn't get it so I started this thread. What I want to do is the analysis diagrams about this feature. I know you did a POC, if you want you may send it to me, it will be helpful. I assume you saw the attached file.Now that you explained me, it needs to be reviewed. You also mentioned that this feature may not be commited to PS, that's fine.

  • nikosd

    nikosd - 2010-06-28

    revisited use case of adding attachments

  • nikosd

    nikosd - 2010-06-28

    just an idea about the attachment tab

  • nikosd

    nikosd - 2010-06-28

    I just added two more files. One is the use case revisited, and the other is an idea about the look of the attachment tab. Soon I will upload the sequence diagram and/or the activity diagram.

  • DrK

    DrK - 2010-06-29

    Sorry for the delay in sending you my PoC - I rewrote it to use 1 attachment file rather than 2 (data + index). I am waiting for Rony's feedback. Hopefully this week.

    My Attachment tab is similar to your but not quite.



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