
Android port

  • Jeff Harris

    Jeff Harris - 2009-12-31

    As my first Android application, I've developed a viewer for Password Safe
    databases. I have taken the Java application code and wrapped it in an app. I
    will be releasing the application shortly.

  • Jeff Harris

    Jeff Harris - 2010-01-03

    I have since published the application, PasswdSafe, to the Android market. It
    should work on any Android 1.6 and higher device. I've also setup a
    Sourceforge project at

    Please let me know of any features or bugs in the application. I've done
    testing on my Droid phone as well as a 1.6 virtual phone.

  • Jeff Harris

    Jeff Harris - 2010-01-03

    Also, I have used the Password Safe icon for the application. If the Password
    Safe team wishes I use a different icon, I will change it.

  • Rony Shapiro

    Rony Shapiro - 2010-01-03

    Hi Jeff,

    Sounds cool. I've no problem with your use of the PasswordSafe icon, as long
    as this project is mentioned in the credits.

    I'll update the Related Projects on the website to mention this
    next time I get around to updating the site.



  • xchief6

    xchief6 - 2010-02-23

    Is there anything or anyway to synchronize between the Android and the
    Desktop? This is critical.

  • Jeff Harris

    Jeff Harris - 2010-02-23

    The only supported way currently is to copy the file to and from the flash
    card on the Android phone. Typically, the card will show in Windows explorer
    as a drive, and you can drag-and-drop your password file. I don't know of any
    way to automatically sync files on Android.

  • Lasse Bigum

    Lasse Bigum - 2010-05-10

    I suggest installing DropBox on your Android phone. You can then install
    DropBox on your PC as well, and sync the password file as described by syncing
    it between both locations.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-05-15


    I've installed the app and copied the files onto the SD card. No drama. But
    the pwd file is not being found by the app.

    I was thinking it's either the file name or format PWDSAFE2010 May 12.psafe3

    or to do with the SD card having to be unmounted.

    The wiki entry indicates (surprisingly to me) that the SD card must be

    My file manager ASTRO (before I unmount the card) verifies the file is in the
    \sdcard directory.

    Any suggestions appreciated.

    Thanks for your help.


  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-05-15

    oh and I'm using the HTC Desire (or Bravo in the US)


  • Jeff Harris

    Jeff Harris - 2010-05-15

    The documentation may be a little misleading. The SD card needs to be
    unmounted from your PC and mounted on the phone.

    There shouldn't be problems with spaces in the file name, but try renaming it
    just in case.


  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-05-15

    It's ok now. I retyped the root directory path /sdcard and it immediately
    found the files and they've opened up fine.

    Having this data secure and mobile will be terrific.

    Thanks so much.


  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-01-11

    FYI I have downloaded it to my HT Desire HD smartphone and it works fine.

    I never set a default file path. I keep my password file on Dropbox so it is
    available on my MAC , My Office PC's, and now my Android phone. I just double
    click the password file in a Dropbox folder and Password safe opens and all
    seems to work great.


    Now I am gonna search for a version that is ported to iOS so I can use it on
    my iPad...

  • Jason Berry

    Jason Berry - 2011-02-27

    Outstanding port ... works beautifully on my HTC G2. This was the missing link
    in completely migrating away from PC dependence. You made my day.



  • Truepharaoh

    Truepharaoh - 2011-02-28

    I download it to my HTC Incredible and it worked great. Thank you, this is
    what I needed for a while.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-10-24

    Thanks Jeff. I have it running on my new Honeycomb tablet.

  • Charlie

    Charlie - 2012-04-06

    Envy, here. Been using it on my PC for around 3 years. Would love a version
    for my Windows Phone 7.

  • meubanks

    meubanks - 2012-06-08

    I'm trying to link the new PasswordSafe app to the data file I use on my
    computer at home. I have this stored on dropbox so that I can access it from
    any computer I have. I also have the dropbox app installed on my phone. Is it
    possible to access this information this way?

  • gavind

    gavind - 2012-06-29

    Hi meubanks. Were you able to find a good workaround for this? MY GF is trying
    to set this up.

  • Jeff Harris

    Jeff Harris - 2012-06-29


    Make sure you are using the correct PasswdSafe app. There are a number of them
    on the market, but only the one named "PasswdSafe" (with the UNIX passwd
    spelling) is compatible with the PC Password Safe. The app has the same red
    triangular icon as the PC program. There's a QR code on the app's web site
    ( that you can scan to
    get to the app.

    Once you have the app installed, you can just click on a .psafe3 file in
    Dropbox, and it'll open in the app.


    • am3nd

      am3nd - 2012-11-19

      Hi, I have the correct PasswdSafe app installed on Android Jelly Bean, and Dropbox is also installed. Sorry for not knowing, but I don't know what directory to navigate into to find the .psafe3 file which is currently stored in my Dropbox account on my PC.

      Help appreciated, thank you!!

      • Jeff Harris

        Jeff Harris - 2012-11-21

        If you click on the file in Dropbox, it should download and open with PasswdSafe. The full path should be visible in the password dialog.

        The file is only cached on the phone as needed by Dropbox. If you want it there more permanently, you can export it from Dropbox or mark it as offline. Again, opening the file from Dropbox should give you the location.


        • am3nd

          am3nd - 2012-11-22

          Oh thank you. Now I feel like a douchebag for assuming you had to open the Dropbox file via Paasword Safe :)

  • Jeff Harris

    Jeff Harris - 2012-07-14

    Just a quick announcement that PasswdSafe is now available on the Amazon
    Appstore in addition to Google Play.


  • MacRicky

    MacRicky - 2012-07-19

    PasswdSafe runs fine on an Android 4 compatible LifTab tablet. However I miss
    the option 'Run Cmd'.

    Quite some entries I use to start a JPG image or an PDF password protected

    I this a possibility.... please ?

    Thanks Jeff !

  • Jeff Harris

    Jeff Harris - 2012-07-21


    The values you may use for Run Cmd on Android would be quite different than on
    a PC. Since the app needs to at least preserve the PC settings, I can not use
    that field for any Android specific action.

    Add a feature request on the app's project site,
    so I can track the request.



  • Daniel Oliva

    Daniel Oliva - 2012-09-15

    Hello friends. I'm still using Password Safe 1.7 by Counterpane Systems on my
    PC (since 1998!). As simple as it may seem, it has been absolutely essential
    software through the years, because of it's strong security features. I just
    discovered Password Safe went Open Source ten years ago and it's still alive!
    Great news! On PC I'm very happy with the archaic version I'm using, but I'd
    like to use jeffharris' version on my Samsung Galaxy Note (Android 2.3.6).

    My main concern right now is finding a way to automatically convert my .dat
    password databases from Password Safe 1.7 of the Counterpane era, so I can use
    it on PasswdSafe for Android. Is there a way to do that? I have installed
    PasswdSafe on my Galaxy Note, but still didn't install the new revamped open
    source Password Safe on my laptop. It's absolutely mind blowing that Jeff took
    the time to publish this for Android. You are God Jeff. Huge thanks! Of
    course, a big thanks for the Open Soure Password Safe developers and
    Counterpane Systems too!.

  • Daniel Oliva

    Daniel Oliva - 2012-09-15

    I meant thanks "to" everyone.

    Even if I have to manually retype every username and pasword, this is great

  • Daniel Oliva

    Daniel Oliva - 2012-09-15

    You got to be kidding still supports the old DAT format for the
    password databases!!! Great!

  • Rick Pennay

    Rick Pennay - 2013-10-27

    GREATLY appreciate Password Safe on Android and the new input method is awesome! Now to learn of integration with Google Drive and Dropbox, l'm thrilled. If you added SkyDrive, I couldn't ask for more!

    Thanks for all you do!


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