
#1197 Password Safe - Export Issue (with attachment)


As advised in a post on the discussion forum, I have created a sample database in order to hopefully have someone advise on my situation?

I am trying (unsuccessfully) to export all relevant fields (in this test database), I am missing the password and notes field when I export to xml, so the only fields exported are: Group, Title & Username.

I have tried both ticking (and leaving unticked) the advanced field selection criteria (all fields are automatically populated on the right hand side and de-selecting them does not help at all), so would appreciate any assistance that might result in a full and correct export.

Thanks in advance.


1 Attachments


  • David Badnell

    David Badnell - 2014-06-27

    Forgot to say that the password for the test database is 3304

    • Saurav Ghosh

      Saurav Ghosh - 2014-06-27

      Which OS are you using? Windows, Linux, OS X?

  • David Badnell

    David Badnell - 2014-07-04

    OS in Windows (Vista)

    • Saurav Ghosh

      Saurav Ghosh - 2014-07-07

      Both me and David tried to reproduce this, but couldn’t.

      Do you get a prompt at the end of the export process to view the log? Can you please attach that? And also the XML file from your export?

  • DrK

    DrK - 2014-07-08

    Attached is the XML file exported from your test database using the current version of PWS under Windows 8 (note: the version of Windows has no impact on this and the same file would be produced whether it was XP, Vista, 7 or 8).

  • Rony Shapiro

    Rony Shapiro - 2015-09-21

    Closing as could not reproduce.

  • Rony Shapiro

    Rony Shapiro - 2015-09-21
    • status: open --> closed

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