
#1041 Copy to Clipboard unusual behavior

V3 (197)

Password Safe V3.28 (4783)
OS: Windows 7 Pro (SP 1)
This may be the same as or related to issue 3141284.
I'm using the ADP (Automatic Data Processing) Self Service Portal. The user login is a javascripted pop up window. Drag and drop has never worked with this, but previous to the move to Windows 7, I could copy username and password to the clipboard and paste into the data fields. Now, I can still do that, but it won't validate the password.
1) It's just the password it has a problem with. Copying the username to the clipboard is fine.
2) If I copy the password to the clipboard, paste it into another document, and then copy & paste that to the password field, it will validate.
3) I can log in with autotype with no problems.


  • M Sharath

    M Sharath - 2012-07-21

    i would like to work on this bug... please assign it to me

  • M Sharath

    M Sharath - 2012-07-23

    I am a new open source software developer ... i have been using password
    safe for quite some time . I want to help in developing of this software
    by fixing this bug, so can i bug on it?

  • James Buckingham

    msreddy-91: You don't appear to be on the list of assignable users. I should note that in the related Help Forum topic "autotype works, but..." (topic 5423502), Rony gave the following response: "Yeah, it's a website-specific thing, nothing to do with PasswordSafe. Some sites apparently think that by not accepting paste operations, they're more secure. Go figger."

    It doesn't seem to directly answer my question, because the site is accepting the password when pasted to the clipboard from another application (notepate, MS Word, MS Excel), just not PasswordSafe. And it implies that that Autotype uses a different mechanism. I agree that it's site-specific, because I've encountered similarly unpredictable behaviour from other sites/applications, and when using other password managers. So it's more a curiosity than an actual PasswordSafe bug.


  • Rony Shapiro

    Rony Shapiro - 2012-07-24

    Hi msreddy-91,

    Please note James' last comment. He's right in that past, 'dragbox' and autotype all use different underlying mechanisms. You might want to contact him directly for the URL of the website in question.

    My guess is that there's not much we can do here, but I'll be glad to be proven wrong.



  • DrK

    DrK - 2012-07-26

    Have you tried prepending the Autotype string for this one entry by '\z' in order to use the older method of performing Autotype and see it that fixes this issue for that particular web site?

    '\z' is documented in the Help file


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