
#62 Parcellite keeps KeepassX passwords in menu



I'm the debian maintainer of the parcellite package, and I received the following bug report (available online at

The bugreporter haven't sent me his parcelliterc. I can ask him.

Thanks for providing parcellite.

Package: parcellite
Version: 1.1.9-1
Severity: normal

Dear Maintainer,

When I copy a password in KeepassX, the password is supposed to disappear from the clipboard after about 10 seconds, and with Parcellite it does. However, Parcellite still displays the password in its system tray menu.

The password should disappear from the menu as well.


  • rickyrockrat

    rickyrockrat - 2015-01-05

    It is not clear from the bug report as to what is really happening. The statements 'with Parcellite it does (disappear from the clipboard)' and
    'Parcellite still displays the password' are not related/contradictory.

    The primary purpose of Parcellite is to keep a clipboard history - so if you copy a password to the clipboard, it will show up in Parcellite's history, since that is the service it provides.

    It sort of defeats the purpose of a clipboard manager to not keep the clipboard history. There are several solutions - either do not run parcellite, disable the clipboard that KeepassX uses, or file a bug against KeepassX where it does not clear the clipboard manager's entry of the password.

    Parcellite has a mechanism to interface with the history that could be used to delete the entry - but KeepassX would have to provide a mechanism to do so.

  • rickyrockrat

    rickyrockrat - 2015-01-05

    Ticket moved from /p/parcellite/bugs/141/

  • Hugo Lefeuvre

    Hugo Lefeuvre - 2015-01-18

    I've reassigned the Debian bug to KeepassX.
    We'll see what we can do.

  • Hugo Lefeuvre

    Hugo Lefeuvre - 2015-05-16

    We decided to consider this bug as a non-bug. So we can now close this ticket.


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