
New Windows Agent (3.1 RC1)

Hi everybody,

We've published a RC1 version of Windows Agent for 3.1 version.

This agent has two major features since 3.0 version:

- Able to execute plugin agents, similar to the mechanism used in Unix
agents. Two basic plugins has been provided (disk space and process table). Another plugin is published in the SVN repository, to parse event log and return a Log4x output format. All plugins has been developed in VBScript and are a good sample of the powerful behind the plugin agents architecture.

- Timeout can be defined for each module. This allow admin to specify
seconds of execution for each module.

Also the 3.1 agent has been tested and works on ALL current windows
plattform supported by Microsoft: Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 2008, and Windows 7.

This file has been uploaded and is ready to be download and tested in our Sourceforge download section:

Posted by Sancho Lerena 2010-04-26

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