
PalmPGN / News: Recent posts

programmers wanted

Looking for anyone interested in working on this chess program. I need people for all sorts of jobs including documentations writing (as im terrible at it), adding in support for GNU Palm tools (including a resource file conversion), and some serious programming help (Im still learning to program for a Palm).

Posted by Aaron 2002-01-22

new code and design

Ive uploaded some alpha-alpha port of palmpgn to codewarrior. Ill start using the CVS between major releases from here on in. This code is designed to be a chess training tool for openings at this point. It lists some variations of the Scandinavian that can be played through when selected.

Posted by Aaron 2002-01-22

Alpha Release 2 is now available

This release provides a little more functionality, namely move validation. (Sorry, you can't capture your own king anymore and keep playing.) The game still can't be saved, but that's for Release 3. Still, you can play through games with a book in hand. Enjoy. --Dave

Posted by David Jaquay 2001-01-09

Alpha Release 1 is now available

This release provides the most basic functionality only, namely being able to enter a game and scroll through it. Moves aren't yet validated, and the game can't be saved, but it's enough to play around with and puts a chessboard on your Palm. Enjoy. --Dave

Posted by David Jaquay 2000-12-02

Release of mockup app

To have a dry run of an actual release of PalmPGN, I packaged up and uploaded to SourceForge the mockup that the screenshots were based on. All feedback on program flow is greatly appreciated; feel free to leave forum messages indicating your excitement or disgust, as appropriate. --Dave

Posted by David Jaquay 2000-11-08

Screenshots are online, let the coding begin!

The prototype/mockup is "finished", (i.e. it contains screens and menus), and screenshots are now online. I hope to have a "release schedule" up shortly, and then start coding. We're underway! --Dave

Posted by David Jaquay 2000-11-01

Project design up on website, prototype next

Okay, the project design is 95% complete, which, as they say, is good enough. Up now on the website is design scenarios, requirements, use cases, interaction diagrams and a class diagram. Everything a growing boy needs to start coding. Up next is the prototype, after which we'll be ready to crank out an app!

Posted by David Jaquay 2000-09-13

Project Kickoff, Design Started

Well, this news entry is a tad bit late, but PalmPGN is off and running. The start of the web site is up, with a main page, some scenarios (the first stage of my design), and credit (where credit is due). All feedback is most appreciated; feel free to use the public forums to get in touch with me. --Dave

Posted by David Jaquay 2000-08-22