
PAC Manager / News: Recent posts

Now PAC also at GitHub!

Ok, there you are!

Oh, and once again, thaaaaaaaaaaaanks a lot to all aof you, PAC users, both the donators and those who simple"dare" to use it! :)


PS: I know I have not been answering many (if not noe!) emails, and that code commits, changes, updates, etc. has been almost inactive, but you know, I got a life (despite being an IT freak!! :)

Posted by David Torrejón Vaquerizas 2015-08-31


. Modified "SSH" Advanced Options, to be more GUI friendly, and with a context menu to show available SSH advance options (those '-o "xx=yy"')
. Modified "SFTP" Advanced Options, to be more GUI friendly, and with a context menu to show available SFTP advance options (those '-o "xx=yy"')
. Added an option to show the command line that each connection will launch, under "Edit"->"Advanced Parameters"->"Get Command line"
. Fixed a bug that prevented some SSH users from forwarding ports: "/" syntax not recognized by every SSH client. Goung back to ":"
. Minor fixes... read more

Posted by David Torrejón Vaquerizas 2015-06-05

Still accepting donations! ;)

Hi all!

Just a reminder from a poor man developing PAC: I'm still accepting donations!!

Just kidding, have fun!!


(not really, donations are very appreciated! :P )

  • David.
Posted by David Torrejón Vaquerizas 2015-05-29


. Fixed a bug with older Perl version not recognizing "/r" regexp modifier (terminal ransparency related...)
. Fixed a bug which prevented the use os "word chars" in a "per terminal" basis
. Added support for ARMV7L devices! (Tested on my HTC One M7 phone with Perl v5.20!)
. Fixed a bug that prevented terminal transparency from being saved
. Fixed a bug that prevented forwarding CLIPBOARD for "rdesktop" connections (xfreerdp is still buggy!)
. Removed the <alt>w shortcut to open the "Wake On LAN" window
. Fixed a little bug regarding "autohide connections list on connection open" not working correctly
. Fixed a little bug regarding Preferences window not showing again if previously was clos viz the "x" window button
. Modified the "Split" routine to try to give same space to splitted terminals... read more</alt>

Posted by David Torrejón Vaquerizas 2015-05-26


That's it!
Proud father (again) of a beautiful child since October the 20th!!!!

Posted by David Torrejón Vaquerizas 2014-10-28

PAC 4.5.5

. Fixed a behaviour that could lead to show VNC passwords on status bar tooltip
. Fixed a bug that made main PAC window move on every new terminal creation
. Changed behavior to not take a screenshot if "show screenshots" checkbox is unselected
. Added support (libraries) for Perl 5.20, in both 32 and 64 bit
. Minor code cleanup

  • David.
Posted by David Torrejón Vaquerizas 2014-08-29

Development slow-down

Hello everyone who "dare" using PAC!! ;)

I just wanted to ask you for patience.
I know I have not been answering many (well... mostly none) questions regarding PAC, but currently I find myself in a ...mmm... "personal crusade". You know, my wife is pregnant and we have recently had some troubles, which, by the way, seem to be self-repairing. So, with my wife like that, and the real job (the one giving me money ;) I have very little time right now.... read more

Posted by David Torrejón Vaquerizas 2014-06-04

PAC 4.5.4

. Added the capacity to change "MOSH" protocol SSH port and Server-side UDP port
. Minor bug-fixes

  • David
Posted by David Torrejón Vaquerizas 2014-04-22


. Fixed nth bug regarding main window not showing when "start minimized" is selected ("blank window" bug!)

  • David
Posted by David Torrejón Vaquerizas 2014-04-16


. Added "Font Smooth" option to "xfreerdp" connections (may not work on all 'xfreerdp' client versions) Tested with 'freerdp-x11 1.0.2-1'
. Finally fixed the problem with Terminal loosing focus when changing from TAB!! :)
. Fixed a bug that prevented PAC from using all the available space for embedded RDP windows
. Fixed a regression bug that prevented using both "Auto reconnect" and "Delay char sending" at the same time... read more

Posted by David Torrejón Vaquerizas 2014-04-08


. Modified history widget to prevent execution of commands if Terminal is disconnected (strange thing could happen!)
. Fixed a bug that prevented the "Config" window from being closed under some circumstances
. Changed Wake-on-lan shortcut from <alt>-o to <alt>-w
. Minor changes to optimize how right-click "SFTP" from SSH connections work
. Minor bug fix to prevent showing main connection on very particular circumstances
. Another bugfix for some Gtk2 versions not respecting some methods
. Nth micro bugfix... (I'm so sorry for being such a lame programmer... :( )... read more</alt></alt>

Posted by David Torrejón Vaquerizas 2014-04-07


. Added a confirmation dialog when deleting keypress-history
. Fixed a bug regarding "Disconnect and restart" session
. Added requirement for "libgtk2-unique-perl" library

  • David.
Posted by David Torrejón Vaquerizas 2014-04-02


. Added support for PowerPC 64 bit architecture! (awesome community job!!!)
. Added an option to show a list at Terminals right side to show the command history!
. Much better algorithm to detect terminal prompt for history to be detected!!
. Added support to Bulk Edit EXPECT fields also!
. Given some love to Unity's launch icon right click menu (quick conn + local shell)
. Added '--password=<pwd>' to allow autologon without interactively asking user for password when PAC's protection is ON
. Minor code optimizations... read more</pwd>

Posted by David Torrejón Vaquerizas 2014-04-01


. Added "Run with 'sudo'" under "Method"
. Password and prompt is defined in "Preferences -> PAC Main Options -> Advanced"
. Modified the "autoreconnect on disconnection" to handle better disconnections, and distinguish between correct (manual) and forced disconnections
. Minor GUI improvements
. Fixed a bug that prevented PAC from using "autossh"
. Little GUI change to make more visible SSH/SFTP's "Advanced options" entry box ... read more

Posted by David Torrejón Vaquerizas 2014-03-19


. Added support for "other" Gnome2::Vte versions different than 0.9 and 0.10 (0.11??)

  • David.
Posted by David Torrejón Vaquerizas 2013-12-19


. Added "$TERMINAL{get_prompt}" to PAC Scripts' API, in order to "try" to guess connection's prompt with minimal effort
. Added an option to allow starting more than one PAC instance (only first instance allows modifying PAC configuration)
. Added option "--readonly" to command line to allow starting PAC in READ ONLY mode (no config changes allowed)
. Much more love given to PAC Scripts (engine and gui)
. Added DONATORS list to PAC on "About" -> "License". To all of you: THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!
. Added an option to allow to remove or not CONTROL chars when automatinc log saving is active (on both global/pero connection preferences)
. Added "--dump-uuid=>uuid>" command line option to dump information about a connection
. Added "--scripts" command line option to auto-start PAC Scripts window
. Added an option under "Preferences" -> "Terminal Options" -> "Look & Feel" to allow switching TABs with ALT-Left/Right instead of CTRL-PgUp/PgDown
. Added shortcut <ctrl><alt>r to easily remove a Terminal from it's current Cluster
. Added $PAC{start_uuid} and $PAC{start_uuid_manual} to Scripting to allow starting sessions based on UUIDs instead of names
. Fixed a minor bug for autostarting PAC at session startup
. Fixed a bug that prevented PAC from using a proxy under some circumstances (no ip/port defined on Global Preferences)
. Fixed some minor glitch... read more</alt></ctrl>

Posted by David Torrejón Vaquerizas 2013-12-13

Donators hall of fame! :)

Victor Demonchy
Ilir Pruthi
Robson Ramaldes
justine cattiaux
Ralph Hübner
Kalin Ivanov
Nikolay Penev
panagiotis palias
Ломакова Анастасия
André M Saunite
Jason Cyr
Andreas Diesner
Liam Ward
Andrei Padshyvalau
Gaston Martini
Host Revenda Ltda
Otto Schakenbos
Fernando Moreira
Don Jacobs

To all of you: THANK YOU SO MUCH!!
- David.

Posted by David Torrejón Vaquerizas 2013-10-21

Raspberry Pi devices also accepted as donations! ;P

That is, I do accept those little pieces of geeks artifacts also known as "Raspberry Pi" devices... :P

  • David.
Posted by David Torrejón Vaquerizas 2013-09-24

PAC -> RASPBERRY Raspbian support!!

. Added "Vte.o" library for RASPBERRY "Raspbian" support!! ;)

  • David.
Posted by David Torrejón Vaquerizas 2013-09-19

PAC 4.5.3

. Added support for SOCKs proxies!
. Added support for defining proxies configuration PER CONNECTION! :)
. Added an option to "Auto save" every PAC change in realtime, without user interaction
. Added preliminary date/time information on disconnections
. Added support for Perl 5.18
. Fixed a minor bug with PAC <ask:...> substitution variables
. Changed PAC's behaviour to prevent password from appearing on "ps" command for RDP (both rdesktop and xfreerdp commands)... read more</ask:...>

Posted by David Torrejón Vaquerizas 2013-09-18

PAC development not dead at all! :)

Hi all!

Forst of all, sorry for not answering all of your requests on time. You know: summer, holidays, family and work... I just can not deal with all this stuff ;)

Anyway, PAC is not a dead project at all, I just have not being able to give all the "love" it deserves! ;)

Once again, thank you all for your patience!! :)

  • David.
Posted by David Torrejón Vaquerizas 2013-09-16


. Fixed a bug that prevented PAC from starting when a connection was autostarted and "hide to systray" was checked

  • David.
Posted by David Torrejón Vaquerizas 2013-06-20


. Added an option to allow copying or not mouse selection to global clipboard
. Added an option to allow choosing whether sending or not a <intro> keypress for remote commands/macros
. Added '--list-uuids' command line option to list current connections/groups and their corresponding UUIDs
. Added '--no-splash' command line option to avoid presenting a splash screen on startup
. Added '--iconified' command line option to make PAC go to tray once started
. Added an option to open a file manager on current dir (pwd) for Local Shells
. Added an option to PAC Scripts's function "$TERMINAL{send_get}" to allow skipping <intro> from being sent
. Fixed the "star PAC on session startup" behavior
. Fixed a bug that prevented right-click menu from appearing when RDP embedded windows were closed... read more</intro></intro>

Posted by David Torrejón Vaquerizas 2013-06-11


. Added Regular Expressions to "Bulk Edit"
. Added options to let user choose what happens when last tab is closed: nothing, close or hide (Preferences -> Terminal options -> Look&Feel)
. Added "-r scard" option to "rdesktop" method, in order to be able to use SmartCard authentication
. Added SeamlessRDP options to 'RDP' backends
. Added options to define prompts for: unknown host key, remote host key changed and pres any key to coninue
. Added "--start-shell" command line to auto start a local terminal on PAC startup
. Added some "bash completion" for command line options
. Added "Clipboard redirection" option for 'xfreerdp' connections (off by default: buggy!)
. Added some "love" to PAC man page
. Fixed a bug that prevented saving "Width" & "Height" value unless focus out those entry boxes on RDP connections edit
. Fixed some minor gui glitches... read more

Posted by David Torrejón Vaquerizas 2013-05-07

PAC 4.5.2

. Added support for non UTF-8 encodings in KeePass!!
. Added the possibility to have BOTH "rdesktop" and "xfreerdp" connectors at the same time, allowing user to choose which one to use! :)
. Added the possibility to "EMBED" RDP windows when using 'xfreerdp' (only tested/working on Ubuntu/Unity). It doesn't always honour the "-X" option :(
. Added the possibility to "EMBED" VNC when using 'xtightvnc' (only tested/working on Ubuntu/Unity). It doesn't always provide/honour the embedding option :(
. Added an option to not cipher text when exporting connections (more compatibility when importing from another machine)
. Added "<KPXRE_GET_(title|username|password|url)_WHERE_(title|username|password|url)==YourPerlRegExp==>" PAC variable to choose a value from KeePass given a source and a Perl Regular Expression ( i.e: <KPXRE_GET_username_WHERE_title==^.*local\d+$==> here, '^.*local\d+$' is the Perl Regular Expression )!!
. Added command line option "--start-uuid=<uuid-of-connection-to-start>[:<cluster-where-to-start-it>]"
. Added command line option "--edit-uuid=<uuid-of-connection-to-edit>" to start PAC directly editting a connection
. Added command line option "--start-script=<script_name_to_start>" to start given script directly on PAC startup
. Added command line option "--quick-conn" to start 'Quick Connect' GUI dialog on PAC startup
. Added command line option "--preferences" to start 'Preferences' GUI dialog on PAC startup
. Added conneciton's "UUID" information on Advanced options of connections
. Added right-click populate menu to "Private key" authentication method for both User and Passphrase
. Added an option to start/stop automatic string sending from right-click submenu on connections
. Changed KeePassX infer behavior to allo using a Regular Expression to match against a Title
. Changed PAC behavior when no Gnome2 or Unity are available, allowing user to activate PAC's tray icon
. Fixed some bugs with TigerVNC authentications
. Fixed a bug with remote RDP forwardings not being correctly saved
. Fixed a bug tha tprevented starting RDP terminals with 'xfreerdp' under some circumstances
. Fixed a bug with private SSH file not being correctly saved
. Other minor code changes / improvements... read more

Posted by David Torrejón Vaquerizas 2013-04-03