
PacLang / News: Recent posts

AMS Documentation Added

The PacLang website has now been updated to include documentation about Architecture Mapping Scripts.

Posted by Rob Ennals 2004-12-15

Documentation Updated

The PacLang language documentation has now been updated. Most language features are now documented.

Posted by Rob Ennals 2004-12-14

PacLang web site is up

The PacLang website is now up, and has some useful content on it. There are still some gaps, but we should be putting a lot more stuff up over the next few days.

Posted by Rob Ennals 2004-12-14

First public release

The first public release of the PacLang toolset is now available for download.

While this version is not yet stable or complete enough for it to be used to develop full scale commercial applications, it has enough features to demonstrate the basic PacLang approach and allow potential users to experiment with the PacLang system, prior to a more stable release.

Posted by Rob Ennals 2004-12-13