
Upgrade your OWL Applications to OWLNext 6.32

Hi owls!

Have you downloaded the OWLNext 6.32.3 production release?

OWLNext 6.32 is a huge leap forward on our roadmap, and an important stepping stone going forward. Since starting work on version 6.32, with the release of the first developer preview (6.31.1, revision 300, 2009-11-25), over ONE THOUSAND revisions has gone into the work on this significant milestone. If you have been reluctant to upgrade, we urge you to do so now.

For those of you who have followed OWLNext on the sideline, but never made the jump, now is a good time. The documentation and user guides for OWLNext have never been better. Since we set up our wiki site back in 2010 a lot of work has been done to provide simple installation instructions, document features and add helpful information for newcomers. In that regard we have just updated the "Upgrading from OWL" page with more information to make the jump from OWL less daunting. The procedure for installing and building OWLNext has never been simpler.

Also note that version 6.32 may be your last chance to make a simple transition. Future developments of OWLNext will likely focus on modernisation and removal of old obsolete features and outdated compiler support, making it more difficult to make the transition from old Borland tools and OWL. It is time to move into the modern age! Exciting things are again happening in the C++ world, and we are determined that our OWL applications should not be left out.

Full information on OWLNext 6.32:

Upgrading from OWL:


Vidar Hasfjord
aka "vattila"

Posted by Vidar Hasfjord 2012-05-14

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