
OutSide Photos / News: Recent posts

Outside Photos 0.80 Released!

The OutSide Photos development team is proud to announce the 0.80 release of its software. OutSide Photos is a user-acclaimed PHP-based web content management system that allows users to upload and manage their images on a server. Setup is quick and easy.

This release contains numerous enhancements and new features.

New features:

- Login system has been greatly enhanced. It now utilizes cookies, which allow users to stay logged in until they explicitly choose to log out. This also simplifies the URL structure of OutSide Photos and beefs up overall site security.
- Logging. Admins can now opt to activate levels of logging that will record actions taken by users and other administrators.
- Comments editing. Users can now edit their own comments to fix typos or other mistakes.
- Account setting logging and recall. User settings are now stored on the server, meaning all preferences will be remembered the next time the user logs in.
- Quotes on the homepage. OutSide Photos now includes an integrated quote-display system. Admins can choose if they would like no quotes, a randomly-selected quote of the day, or just a random quote from the database on their homepage. We've included an extensive database of our favorite quotes, but if you're favorite saying isn't included, fear not: all logged-in users can add quotes to the database. Of course, admins have the ultimate control and can edit the quotes database at any time and even choose to explicitly approve all new quotes.
- Photo Captions. Users can now add captions to their images when they upload them.
- All-HTML Documentation (this file!). For the convenience of our users, we've decided to put all of our documentation in HTML for better accessibility. Don't like it? Drop us a line at our website!
- HycodeII forum enhancing system. This system allows the comments on images to contain formatting such as bold, italics, links, and even images. Though results are somewhat based on PHPbb, it was coded from scratch by the OSP team and help from Hyrun.... read more

Posted by Brad Hart 2004-10-09

OutSide Photos 0.76 now available for download

The OutSide Photos development team is proud to announce the 0.76 release of its software. OutSide Photos is a user-acclaimed PHP-based web content management system that allows users to upload and manage their images on a server. Setup is quick and easy.

This release contains numerous enhancements to features first introduced in our 0.70 release. Many of these changes were based in part or whole on feedback received from users. There are also several new and exciting features included.... read more

Posted by Brandon Nimon 2004-08-05

OutSide Photos 0.75 now available for download

The OutSide Photos development team is proud to announce the 0.75 release of its software. OutSide Photos is a user-acclaimed PHP-based web content management system that allows users to upload and manage their images on a server. Setup is quick and easy.

This release contains numerous enhancements to features first introduced in our 0.70 release. Many of these changes were based in part or whole on feedback received from users. There are also several new and exciting features included.... read more

Posted by Brad Hart 2004-07-30

OutSide Photos 0.70 released

OutSide Photos is a PHP-based web content management system that allows users to upload and manage their images on a server. Setup is quick and easy and maintenance is simple.

The OutSide Photos development team is proud to announce the release of OutSide Photos 0.70 our biggest and best release to date.

New features:

- Selectable themes that customize the look of the site
- Comments system to let users share their thoughts on an image
- Automatic user creation system lets others use your server to share their pictures or disable automatic creation and make an admin approve all users
- Semi-automatic setup just tell OutSide Photos what directory you want your site based in and what Operating System you're using it will do the rest!... read more

Posted by Brad Hart 2004-06-29

Fixes in 0.70 unexpectedly made OSP Windows compatable again

Due to some bug testing and high-level error report we have never done before, certain coding problems that Windows had have been fixed. As of yet Windows-based server development is continued. If we run into this problem again we know certain ways of fixing it, but we do not know if these fixes are temporary or not.

Up until 6/22/04, OutSide Photos has strived to be as Platform Independent as possible. With as few differences between operating systems as possible. But with the increasing complexity of the code, it seems that the problems of a long known bug in PHP for Windows is growing more and more prevalent. PHP made great strides in PHP 4.3.6 to help the bug, but it did not solve the issue. So due to the very high maintenance that is required to write around this bug, we are forced to claim this program as not fit for use on Windows servers. If you wish to witness the issue first hand, you can download the OSP project and host it on a Windows server. As soon as you login as admin, the preprocessing of the page should halt (on Internet Explorer nothing will show until you hit stop, on Mozilla it will display all the code it receives, and stop midway down the page).... read more

Posted by Brandon Nimon 2004-06-24

Let us hear from you!

Downloading OutSide Photos? Running it on your server? We want to hear from you!

In an effort to better communicate with our users (that's you!) and track use of our software, we're asking everyone who downloads OutSide Photos to take a minute to register your site's URL and leave a brief message on our project homepage at

Keep in mind that registering is TOTALLY voluntary.... read more

Posted by Brad Hart 2004-06-17

OutSide Photos .63c released!

The OutSide Photos development team is happy to announce the .63c release of its software.

Among the new features and enhancements in the latest release are a revamped "About" page, the ability to set the maximum width of pages and a new page for admins to view their server settings with convenient syntax highlighting. The security improvements from the .63b release are also included.

This will likely be the last minor release before the development team begins work on version .70, which will boast a slew of improvements. Of course, you can always get the latest bleeding-edge version of OutSide Photos via CVS.

Posted by Brad Hart 2004-06-10

Removal of Build Numbers

OSP Staff has descided to scrap the build number, and just use version numbers and release letters. We've decided that is enough to distinguish builds of the site. And now that the OSP project is on CVS it is a lot harder to manage the version and build numbers, so we are simplifying it. (So our newest release, 0.63b, is released without a build number)

Posted by Brandon Nimon 2004-06-09

Builds of OSP available for download

I have uploaded to most previous versions of the OSP site, up to todays current update of :: 812. Please submit any bugs or suggestions you find. For legal reasons: you should only download the newest version of OSP.

Posted by Brandon Nimon 2004-06-07

Project Website Now Online!

The Outside Photos team is happy to announce the unveiling of our project website.

You can visit the site at to get all the latest information about the project and find out how you can help us!

Posted by Brad Hart 2004-05-31

Source now avaliable by CVS!

The latest source code for Outside Photos is now available via CVS. We're hoping to be maintaining the project using CVS from now on. Feel free to grab the source and lend us a hand!

Posted by Brad Hart 2004-05-26

Initial release!

Those of us working on the Outside Photos project are happy to have a new home at Since the project has been in development for awhile elsewhere, we're releasing our most recent code. We may also add some older builds for a historical perspective on the project. Please download Outside Photos and give it a try!

Posted by Brad Hart 2004-05-26