
Object-oriented Simple DirectMedia Layer / News: Recent posts

Moved to GitHub!

On Saturday, May 3, 2014 we moved all our repositories on GitHub, see here and enjoy!

Posted by Olivier Boudeville 2014-05-03

OSDL 0.5 released!

We are proud to announce the 0.5.0 version of the OSDL library.
Main changes are:

* PhysicsFS integrated
* first support of SDL_mixer and, to a lesser extent, Agar, added
* use of OpenGL generalized
* enhanced scheduler (still lots of improvements coming)
* support for some operations on the Nintendo DS added (ex: MP3 play-back on the ARM7)
* Windows port of OSDL and LOANI
* first works onto Orge (Erlang-based OSDL RPG Engine) added
* license extended, went from pure LGPL to disjunctive bi-license LGPL/GPL. It allows developers using GPL software to use OSDL as well
* integration to the Ceylan 0.7 version... read more

Posted by Olivier Boudeville 2009-04-05

OSDL 0.4 released !

we are proud to announce the 0.4.0 version of the OSDL library.

OSDL 0.4 is for the moment GNU/Linux only, and offers about the same features as the 0.3 version, but its build system has been completely revamped.

OSDL 0.4 is somewhat an intermediary version, between the 0.3 which was truely ancient (dated back to 2005 Q3), and the upcoming OSDL versions, that should add the Windows XP support and the XML management with OpenGL of tilesets for animated sprites.... read more

Posted by Olivier Boudeville 2007-03-30

Ceylan and OSDL : towards the autotools

Our libraries both have their build system rewritten so that they use the Automake, Autoconf and their friends. This will lead us to Ceylan 0.3 and OSDL 0.4, whose first assigned goal will be portability across most common platforms, including GNU/Linux, *BSD and even Windows.

Posted by Olivier Boudeville 2006-01-23

Our article in Software20 Extra ! is accepted !

We submitted a few weeks ago an article about open source and game programming to the 'Software20 Extra !' magazine, which just accepted it. This long article (more than 10 pages) focuses on the increasing role of open source creations in the video game field.
To read it, one can buy the january issue of Software20 ( !

Posted by Olivier Boudeville 2004-12-18

OSDL Coding Party in Paris

We launch an OSDL (Object-oriented Simple DirectMedia Library) Coding Party which will take place from friday 20 to sunday 29 february 2004 in Paris, at the Cube !
Ask for details in our french main list (ragondinsforever at, subscribe first) or directly to me (olivier.boudeville at

Let's have fun game programmin' !

Posted by Olivier Boudeville 2004-02-11

Our main mailing list moved too !

We are from now on using a more reliable mailing list for osdl-club, whose named changed a while ago to CRI (Cercle des Ragondins Illumins), a.k.a. CFC (Circle of Floodlit Coypus).

Wanna subscribe ?

Let's enjoy game programmin' !

Posted by Olivier Boudeville 2003-10-24

Our forums have moved !

Hi everybody,

the OSDL-Club team decided yesterday to use, from now on, the fancier forum system at, notably so that polls can be made.

Already submitted messages in previous forums have been back-posted in new ones.

Enjoy reading our forums !


Posted by Olivier Boudeville 2003-10-10

Interested in a club for video game creation ?

Join the game creation club's mailing list at
(open to everyone)

Posted by Olivier Boudeville 2003-09-10

Our CVS is not up to date

Beware, dear fearless potentiel users, OSDL (and Ceylan) SourceForge's CVS repositories date back to some months ago, since we are rewriting a huge part of them. We plan to erase the stored CVS content as soon as the new release will be available . So do not expect anything to be reliable in the current version, and leave us your mail address in the case you want to be noticed of the new release.
Thank you !

Posted by Olivier Boudeville 2003-09-05

OSDL's website launched !

A first version of OSDL's website is at last available !
Take a look to !

Have fun game programmin' !

Posted by Olivier Boudeville 2003-05-14

OSDL launched !

Our goal is to develop OSDL, an Object-oriented SDL, a high level multimedia library made to ease game development.
SDL stands for Simple DirectMedia Libray, and is a really good low-level libray, by Sam Lantinga (
We are at the very beginning of OSDL, so feel free to contribute !

Posted by Olivier Boudeville 2003-01-13