
Success : use of TDM-GCC 4.9.2 aside MinGW 4.8.1

  • M.Trifon

    M.Trifon - 2015-03-30

    Just because it exists, I've got TDM-GCC 4.9.2 and installed it in some different folder.
    (NOTE: I'm using a 32bit Win 7 and I currently maintaining only 32bit applications)
    This is what I've done after that :
    1. Added the compiler to the existing sets (Menu --> Tools --> Compiler Options --> Add a new compiler by folder)
    2. Copied "rm.exe" to bin folder of TDM-GCC.
    3. Made a few non mandatory, trivial, aesthetic, tweaks in file devcpp.ini such that I have two new sets: a 4.9.2 debug and a 4.9.2 release
    4. (32 bit matter, made just to avoid ld warnings) Changed library folder from whatever_folder_you_used\x86_64-w64-mingw32\lib to whatever_folder_you_used\x86_64-w64-mingw32\lib32 (simply said, I've added 32 to the end of the path).

    The early, not-so-thorough, testing result is that my favorite cocktail of old good C and basic templated C++ appears to compile and work like before.
    Give it a try and let the others know...

  • orwelldevcpp

    orwelldevcpp - 2015-03-30

    Better yet, using the automatic configuration button, it will fix issue 1, 3 and 4 for you. All that is needed is rm.exe from any old GCC installation.

  • M.Trifon

    M.Trifon - 2015-04-01

    Many thanks for the explanation! I've simply applied what help file taught me and got a result that was not matching my needs, hence my message.
    OT: I would appreciate you change the appearance of the 2nd and 3rd buttons 'cause they are the same.
    Apologising for my buzz !


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