
ORSEE / News: Recent posts

ORSEE 3.0.5

Dear ORSEE users,

ORSEE-3.0.5 got published today.

The new software version is available on GitHub
and sourceforge

The ORSEE bug and feature tracker is here:

The link to the ORSEE article that needs to be cited by users

The full documentation is in the ORSEE3 Wiki read more

Posted by Ben Greiner 2017-11-27

ORSEE 3.0.0

ORSEE-3.0.0 got published today.

This is a major new release. It features a rewrite of much of the behind-the-scenes code (for example all database procedures), but also a number of new features, including a new extensive and flexible query tool, permanent queries, stored queries, username/password subject authentication, customizable participant profile, payment tracking, human subjects approval tracking, and the ORSEE recruitment report. There is a data import script that will help you migrate and import your data from older ORSEE versions.... read more

Posted by Ben Greiner 2015-06-26

ORSEE 2.2.0

This version brings the software fully up to PHP5 and MySQL5 standards and adds unicode (international characters) support. Otherwise are only a few new functions (yet), but one important one: ORSEE now allows to easily add customized fields in the participant form (which are then also automatically picked up in search forms, results, emails, statistics etc.).

Posted by Ben Greiner 2014-08-24

ORSEE 2.0.2

This update just contains some small bug fixes of ORSEE 2.0.1. No new functions added.

Posted by Ben Greiner 2004-11-13

ORSEE 2.0.1 out

I'm happy to announce that version 2.0.1 of the Online Recruitment System for Economic Experiments (ORSEE) has been released on Up to now, 6 universities and research institutions are using ORSEE, and to my knowledge, there are at least two more (in Spain and USA) which are currently in the preparation/installation process.

Compared to ORSEE 2.0.0, the new version includes fixes for some bugs which came up since the last release, and some small new features. See the CHANGELOG for details. The manual has been slightly updated accordingly, as well.... read more

Posted by Ben Greiner 2004-11-06

Final version of ORSEE 2.0 released

With ORSEE 2.0.0 I released today the final version of ORSEE 2.0. Since the beta version I added some functions and fixed some bugs.
At the same time I the new extensive manual comes out (now about 65 pages!). Have fun.

Posted by Ben Greiner 2004-06-17

ORSEE 2.0 beta version out

Today I published the very new version of ORSEE 2.0 as a beta release. ORSEE is not only translated to PHP, moreover it has a bunch of new functions. It should now be easily installable on every Apache server with PHP and MySQL.

You find a test installation on, but suddenly the sourceforge webserver there is very slow. I will look forward to find a better (faster) place.

Bug reporting is highly welcome.... read more

Posted by Ben Greiner 2004-05-19

ORSEE 2.0 on the way

Currently I'm working on the next main version of ORSEE: 2.0. In the next release, ORSEE will be programmed in PHP rather than MetaHTML, allowing to install it much more easily and on nearly every webserver.

A lot of other issues/bugs/drawbacks will be solved, and new functions will be added.

I hope to publish a milestone 1.9 version at the end of April 2004, which includes everything but the "Online Survey" module, and the final 2.0 release some weeks after.... read more

Posted by Ben Greiner 2004-03-15

ORSEE moved to

In the last days, ORSEE, the Online Recruitment System for Economic Experiments, moved to, the world's largest open source hosting site. ORSEE is written in MetaHTML ( and based on MySQL (

We've set up the homepage ( and released the packages of both versions published sof far: 1.0.1 and 1.0.1-1. The new fully-detailed manual is available at sourceforge as well, as a separated package called 'orsee-doc'.

Posted by Ben Greiner 2003-08-17