
Orientation Library / News: Recent posts

New release: 2.0.2

Version 2.0.2 is an incremental bug-fix release for version 2.0.

Changes: General: manual corrections, small enhancements.

Posted by rquey 2008-06-29

New release: 2.0.1

Version 2.0.1 is an incremental bug-fix release for version 2.0.

Changes: General: manual corrections, small enhancements; Calculation: added "shortcut" functions ol_e_e_disori & ol_e_e_misori.

Posted by rquey 2008-06-27

New release: 2.0.0

Orientation Library version 2.0.0 is a collection of routines for orientation description / generation / calculation (rotation combination, disorientation...), the study of orientation sets (averaging, anisotropy, filtering...), and orientation mapping. It consists of a collection of source files + an executable program (Unix-type systems, 32-bit MS Windows).

Changes: General: new functions on orientation sets and maps ; modified file organization due to the library growth: ol.c and ol.h replaced by files for the individual "modules" (or chapter) of the software: ol_des, ol_cal, ol_gen, ol_set, ol_map. Interactive program: new way-of-use (convenient for scripting); new functions. Description: added "shortcut" functions for conversions; code and manual corrections for reading and writing function (_fscanf, _fprintf) returned values. Generation: added functions to generate random (mis-)orientations. Calculation: orientation averaging function moved to "Set", new functions for specimen symmetry; fixed misorientation functions with quaternions; renamed function ol_r_r_angle to ol_vect_vect_theta and new function ol_vect_vect_rtheta. Set: changed ol_q_mean to ol_set_mean; new orientation averaging function for large spreads; new functions for orientation spread filtering; new functions for anisotropic orientation spread study. Map: new functions for orientation mapping together with support for external softwares (HKL Channel 5) and image printing (PNG format).

Posted by rquey 2008-03-13

New release: 1.1.3

Version 1.1.3 is an incremental bug-fix release for version 1.1.

Plenty of manual corrections and enhancements; new conversion functions ol_R_q and ol_q_R; corrected generation of axis/angle of rotation (ol_nb_rtheta ...); changed order of arguments of function ol_g_m_quality; renamed functions ol_g_frame and ol_q_frame to ol_g_csys and ol_q_csys.

Posted by rquey 2008-02-05

New release: 1.1.2

Version 1.1.2 is an incremental bug-fix release for version 1.1.

Improved conversion of rotation matrix into Euler angles by accounting for Euler space degeneracy at phi=180 (ol_g_e, ol_e_e); improved conversion of quaternions into Euler angles by accounting for Euler space degeneracy at phi=0 and phi=180 (ol_q_e); various manual corrections and enhancements.

Posted by rquey 2008-01-22

New release: manual 1.1.1

New manual for orilib 1.1.

General improvements. Corrections in the 'Disorientations' section.

Posted by rquey 2008-01-17

New release: 1.1.0

This is the first GPL release of the Orientation Library!

The Orientation Library is a collection of routines for rotation/orientation calculations. It ranges from very general tools to others specific to materials science (crystal orientations). It has been written in ANSI C, and so is intended to compile on any system with a working ANSI C compiler. The library is available as two stand-alone files: one source code file, ‘ol.c’, and one source code header file, ‘ol.h’. It is well-documented.... read more

Posted by rquey 2008-01-07