
OpenQuote 1.2 EA2 is available

The OpenQuote Team are very pleased to announce the availability of OpenQuote
release 1.2EA2. This is an Early Access release. The full release of 1.2 is
expected to follow in the near future.

OpenQuote is an online Insurance Quotation solution, quotations can be produced
and insurance products maintained over the web. Multiple insurance products can
be configured to support any line of business via externalised product
definitions and rules

A summary of the bug fixes and improvements included in this release is shown
below. The full details can be found on the OpenQuote project wiki here:

Release Notes - OpenQuote - Version 1.2EA2

[OQ-132] - In a PageFlow RowScrollers cannot be embedded in QuestionSections
[OQ-145] - Question validation ignores question condition rules.
[OQ-167] - RowScroller add and remove buttons can't be used from selenium tests
[OQ-169] - The 'required' option doesn't work on yesorno questions
[OQ-170] - Choice attribute format only supports '?' as a default value.
[OQ-171] - Switching the browser locale does not affect the rendering of locale specific fields
[OQ-174] - QuestionWithSubSection doesn't enable the subsection on refresh for radio buttons
[OQ-175] - Choice AttributeFields based on a Type do not validate correctly
[OQ-178] - questionWithDetails sub details bug if renderHint="radio"
[OQ-179] - Question validation ignores parent question/page section condition rules

[OQ-172] - Remove errors logged during startup and normal operation if they are not significant
[OQ-173] - Add automatic reformatting of numbers to locale specific formats on field exit

Posted by Richard Anderson 2009-11-01

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