
#105 button "more results" on images search don't work


With OptimizeGoogle, when On the results page of Google Images, i click on the "Show more results" button, nothing happen, it don't work.
if i disable OptimizeGoogle, then the button work and show more images.

my versions : OptimizeGoogle version 0.79.1, firefox 7.0.1, windows Seven 64 bits, i use for searching images

sincerely yours


  • Phoglenix

    Phoglenix - 2011-11-27

    Confirmed. The combination of "Use SSL when able" (in general settings) and "Steam search results" (in image settings) causes this. Disable streaming search results to fix for now.

  • Themis

    Themis - 2011-11-27

    thanks for the confirmation.
    i have both "Use SSL when able" (in general settings) and
    "Steam search results" (in image settings) unchecked, when i found the bug, so it doesn't fix it for me

  • Phoglenix

    Phoglenix - 2011-11-27

    Does it happen every time, or just sometimes?

  • Themis

    Themis - 2011-11-28

    everytime. "Show more results" never work

  • Phoglenix

    Phoglenix - 2011-11-28

    When this is happening, does the address show https:// at the start or http://?
    I think there may be a bug which is causing it to switch to https even without enabling the "use https" option.

  • Phoglenix

    Phoglenix - 2011-11-28

    Or it could be Google settings making it switch to https.
    Either way, in https the button doesn't work.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I can confirm that the use of "Use SSL when able" in General and "Stream search results" in Image settings has NO bearing on this, at least in my case. The Show More Results button does NOT work, regardless of http or https or a multitude of a variety of settings in OG.

    The bottom line, in my case, is that if OG is enabled, regardless of any settings, the "Show More Results" button in standard view of google image search does NOT work. Period. This is VERY frustrating.


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