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Working again on Opok 0.4

Is the project dead? No, it isn't.
I renunced at longer C++ programming because it was difficult to me alone. I prefear to will program the game again, using own native python language.
Hopefully programming activity restarts soon ;-)

Posted by Lorenzo Monacelli 2013-08-09

Some news

You may ask when the 0.4 version will be relased. So I don't know if it will released at all, that is because I start working on the 0.5 version, in this version I'm translating all the code in C++, translating the name of variables in english.
I focus on eliminate any explicit reference to the Nintendo game, to build a new game, with new pokemon, the way is really long, but I think that I probably could release some preview version in few months. ... read more

Posted by Lorenzo Monacelli 2012-05-09 Labels: 0.5 Opok next version

New release candidate 0.4rc4

I released a new release candidate version: Opok-0.4rc4.
This new version has corrected a lot of bug and come with the German translation (thanks to zyriano), a new auto patching system and auto update system (so the game will check for update when you start it).
Other things I added are:

  1. German translation
  2. Auto update
  3. Auto patch
  4. New system to assign experience points
  5. A lot of minor bugfixes
Posted by Lorenzo Monacelli 2012-01-02 Labels: Opok 0.4rc4 release candidate

New changes and the 0.4 final version is near

After the flop that has caracterized the 0.4rc2 version, I think would be a great idea make a new release candidate version: 0.4rc3
There are some errors in 0.4rc2: the rm command doesn't work for some computer, such as Windows, and the game crashes even in some linux system, the patch does not solve this problem. So i have completly rewrote the saving system to be compatible with all platform (Windows included).
Other important changes are the better english translation, some other bugfix with items saving, and a bug that made the game crash after the 3vs3 battle mode.... read more

Posted by Lorenzo Monacelli 2011-12-13

New Release 0.4

È arrivata finalmente, dopo un anno di attese, la nuova versione di opok, la 0.4.
Opok è un ambizioso progetto sviluppato interamente da Lorenzo Monacelli di portare su computer un tipo di videogame che fatica ancora a sbarcare. I giochi dei pokemon della nintendo hanno scritto la storia del gaming, e ancora nessuna ditta ha pubblicato un gioco che assomigli in quanto a stile e a gameplay. L'intento e' quello di creare un clone del gioco pokemon svincolato, sulla falsa riga di Super Tux, Super Tux Kart, Open Arena...
E così, da diversi anni, è iniziato il progetto. Lungi da essere completo, questa nuova versione introduce nuovi elementi importanti che rendono l'esperienza di gioco più interessante, ecco un elenco di alcune modifiche:... read more

Posted by Lorenzo Monacelli 2011-11-19 Labels: New Release of Opok 0.4 rc 1 Opok Pokemon