
Physicist / News: Recent posts

Need more response/feedback!!

Its been a long time since we have touched this project. Alot of new work stands half way done. The fact is we got very little or no feedback from all the users. Please let us know what you think and provide suggestion to what we can add.

Proj admin

Posted by Shivakeshavan 2007-09-05

The Physicist For Windows

Finally! The Physicist for windows has arrived. It uses the same architecture as the linux version. It is lean and mean.
We hope you find it good enough. Don't hesitate to ask questions(forums) or request features. We need your support and feedback.
The Oper17 team.

Posted by Shivakeshavan 2005-11-07

"The Physicist" to be released soon..

Well, this is regarding the much hyped release of "The Physicist" , which the company claims to release by 25th June 2005... This verion sports a whole new physics engine , ensuring better accuracy and speed.
Better graphic modules make it much more pleasing and presentable.
This new version comes with a new set of instructions and commands to provide more power to the user.
Documentation and support is also much more extensive.... read more

Posted by universpace 2005-06-23

Project Goeppert.

Well its been a long time but we haven't been idle. Oper17 is scheming the entirely new feature rich Project Goeppert.(The Physicist).
The Physicist has been entirely rebuilt from scratch with more efficient algorithms. It is now a package of an Physicist IDE and the core Physicist Translator. Due to the improvement and rebuilding we are sorry to say the new physicist is not downward compatible. But don't worry, there's still support for the old Physicist and Project Goeppert is not difficult to master at all. So coming soon in a site near you. Stay Tuned.

Posted by Shivakeshavan 2005-04-13

Physicist version 2 ( for windows) Released!!

It's finally available for download!! Oper17's Physicist ,version 2 is now for download . It comes jam packed with a whole new range of features and extensive documentation.
Physicist 2 incorporates better color schemes and has become more user friendly than before. It also comes with a tutorial session, which users may find useful. More tutorials will soon be uploaded, which are to be unzipped into the ..\data\bot folder.
Any queries may be addresed to , which we would reply
with pleasure.

Posted by Shivakeshavan 2005-01-02

Oper17 Physicist 2 for win32 coming soon!!

after the success of Oper17's Physicist, the physics simulation engine, the group plans to release the next version , physicist-2 (for windows only). This is built on the same core as that of the former one but with minor optimisations.
Physicist 2 Has loads of new features and is now fully customisable. It has advanced several steps towards getting more user friendly than ever before. Physicist 2 will probably be the best of the lot built on oper17's 'iceburn' physics simulation engine.
Physicist-2 will go open source very soon. Keep checking the news releases for updates.

Posted by Shivakeshavan 2004-12-29

Physicist 2005 STABLE ready for upload

Physicist 2005 for LINUX is coming SOON , with a whole new set of added features ,this new year...For all you physicist fans , keep checking this page for the downloads...

Posted by ravi 2004-12-25

NEW!! Oper17 releases linux version of physicist!

Oper17 has launched the linux build of its physics simulation engine, "Physicist".
This has an edge over it's windows counterpart , phy 4 win. Some of it's new features include a global assistant and a new set of shorthand commands.

Posted by Shivakeshavan 2004-12-20

Physicist 2005 to be released soon (linux build)

Physicist 2005 , is planning to release it's Linux version soon. This version is expected to be a lot more powerful than the windows build . Better graphics and documentation will also be provided.
please visit

Posted by Shivakeshavan 2004-12-19

Physicist v1.01 Major bug Fixes

A Major bug fix was completed today with particle collisions and other factors being computed parallely. No more colliding particles flying off randomly from the screen.

Work is being done on friction due to inclined planes. SHM is planned to start soon. Alot of plans for this busy little project, we hope we can make it go all the way.

Project Admins.

Posted by Shivakeshavan 2004-10-02

First Relase of Physicist

Oper 17 is proud to release its first version of Physicist. Physicist has a long way to go. But for now it can handle basic mechanics and external file translating and execution. It is really interesting to watch the complex motion of many particles with physicist.

It is still in the alpha stage and has some known minor bugs. Hopefully an updated edition will be out within a week.

Posted by Shivakeshavan 2004-09-29