
Latest DAISY Translator available for download.

Latest setup of Open XML to DAISY XML Translator is now available on sourceforge for download, Daisy Translator is now packaged as a single setup which will allow the software to automatically detect version of word used and install appropriate add-in.

Latest setup will have the following features.
1. Dublin Core Metadata
2. UID metadata
3. Frontmatter, Bookmatter and Rearmatter mapping
4. Levels and Headings
5. Paragraphs
6. Tables
7. Lists
8. Note’s and Note References
9. Emphasis and Strong
10. Superscript and Subscript
11. Images
12. Validity
13. Captions
14. Page Numbers
15. Sidebar
16. Abbreviations and Acronyms
17. Language Detection
18. Blockquotes
19. Handling Table of Contenets
20. Handling BDO
21. Anchor
22. Citation
23. Following Daisy XML Elements are covered with custom word styles.
a. Address
b. Author
c. Blockquote
d. Code
e. CoverTitle
f. Dateline
g. Definition
h. Epigraph
i. List Heading
j. Page number
k. Poem
l. Prod note
m. Quotation
n. Sample
o. Table caption

We welcome every one, who is interested to try this software and give us their feedback and suggestions for improving this product going forward.

Posted by senthil 2008-05-07

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