
OpenTH / News: Recent posts

Site to find out latest news

Please look at the new site, News will not be posted in this section any more.

Posted by Jack Webster 2009-03-09

Blog and Maillist

Hello all,

See the new blog at:

Also, remember to sign up to the mail list:

Posted by Jack Webster 2009-02-17

New Years Update

Between Christmas and now the project has moved on. The external
scripting language, Lua, used for controlling how doctors and patients
behave inside rooms has been implemented and is working. Patients move
from room to room, and doctors do too when required. So a patient can
come in ill and leave well. We haven't yet added the system for changing
animations of patients, so there is no giant head for Bloaty Head, etc.,
as yet. Also there is no interaction with objects yet. So although a few
parts of the game are there, you won't really appreciate them yet.... read more

Posted by Jack Webster 2009-01-06

Christmas Update

The below is the copy of the e-mail sent out on Christmas day on our mail list. Remember, you can sign up to the mail list by going to


Hello everybody,

Merry Christmas, and thank you for signing up to the OpenTH mail list
and supporting our project. This is Jack, one of the programmers for
OpenTH. The other programmers are Paul, Rich and Mike (who was
originally before we merged).... read more

Posted by Jack Webster 2009-01-04

Mail List

Please sign up to our new mail list here:

Then we can update you more easily on what is going on :)

Posted by Jack Webster 2008-12-02

Supressed Revision 200

We've got to the 200th SVN revision. That means between us, we've committed updates to the project 200 times. The size of each revision varies (mine tend to be small, Paul's tend to be big, for instance) but it really means there is good progress.

Alas, the changes don't really show in screenshots so we don't have much to show since the last screenshot.

Posted by Jack Webster 2008-11-29

Latest Information

By the way, if you'd like to see what the project is doing, this page of the SVN usually has it in:

Otherwise, check out the site at:

We're currently working on the patient life-cycle.

Posted by Jack Webster 2008-11-01


Great news: We've merged with This will allow us to use the original graphics. It also means we've got another developer on board. Exciting times!

Posted by Jack Webster 2008-09-18


We've decided to change from SDL to Allegros (using OpenLayer). This means the core has been rewrite, despite being not much than a few days old. However, it is looking very nice now.

Posted by Jack Webster 2008-08-09


For information on the project at this early stage, check out the forum:

At time of writing, we are making the basic display engine. It currently supports rotation and scrolling. Zooming, multi-floors and room building are next on the "To-do" list.

Posted by Jack Webster 2008-07-29