
New mailing lists

To go along with the launch of our first two modules (OSCache 1.0 and SiteMesh 1.0) we've launched a lot of new mailing lists.

There are now 7 mailing lists:

opensymphony-discuss - For general discussion of the OpenSymphony project

opensymphony-announce - Announcements regarding OpenSymphony (low traffic) eg new releases, notices like this one.

opensymphony-developers - A list for development discussion, CVS commit postings etc - medium traffic when CVS commit mails are working

opensymphony-oscache - A list for the discussion of OSCache

opensymphony-sitemesh - A list for the discussion of SiteMesh

opensymphony-oscore - A list for the discussion of OSCore module.

opensymphony-osuser - A list for the discussion of the OSUser module.

You can find them at

Posted by Mike Cannon-Brookes 2000-12-05

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