
Do not Send to bad addresses?

Rob Davis
  • Rob Davis

    Rob Davis - 2005-02-02

    I am new to openSmtp and what orignally brought me here was the hope that I could first perform some type of handshaking with the recipent's domain to see if the address they provide is an actual and good address.  Is this possible?

    • Geoff Osbaldestin

      This is in theory possible, but nearly all mail servers do not support the VRFY option, as this aids spammers.

    • Mike Bridge

      Mike Bridge - 2005-02-02

      There is no foolproof way of checking an address, except to send a confirmation email and have the recipient indicate that he received it.  The VRFY command may be available, but no one uses it due to its potential for abuse from spammers.

      We apply a couple quick tests when someone registers at a web site, mostly to check whether someone has mistyped his email address: we do an email address sanity check, and then check for the existence of an MX (or A) record for the domain (although DNSes can sometimes be unreachable). 
      These two things almost eliminate typos. 


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