
File Search Help

  • drhelloworld

    drhelloworld - 2009-08-20

    Can search through URLs fine. However I have about 5000 files and cannot seem to get any results through either the api or the query page. I use the default fileSearch query and the files show up in the file browser under crawl.

    Any suggestions?

    • drhelloworld

      drhelloworld - 2009-08-20

      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
      - <response>
      <entry key="Status">Error</entry>
      <entry key="Exception">java.lang.NullPointerException</entry>

      Is the error i receive

      • Emmanuel Keller

        Emmanuel Keller - 2009-08-21


        I suppose you create an index you labelled "IndexName", using the template "Web crawler". Is that right ?
        Currently, we provide two templates. Web crawler is to be used for web crawling. And file crawler is to be used for file crawling.
        If you want to index files and web content on the same index, you have to change manually the set up. Following you example, when starting with web crawler template, you have to set up the field mapping for the file crawler.
        Go to tab panel: /Crawler/Files/FieldMapping
        Here is the minimal mapping you should set up:
        content -> content
        content -> contentExact
        title -> title
        title -> titleExact
        path -> url

        I hope this will be helpful.

  • daniel lalanne

    daniel lalanne - 2009-10-17


    I'm new in this forum.

    I'm trying to make a query from an index made with file crawler template.


    It doesn't work.

    Would someone help me ?

  • daniel lalanne

    daniel lalanne - 2009-10-17

    I have to say i'm trying to use this with query.php example.

    I have modified these two lines

    $server = "http://localhost:8080/select?use=IndexName";

    $queryUsed = "fileSearch";

  • Pascal MERCIER

    Pascal MERCIER - 2009-10-18


    Can you update to the latest version ?

    We made some bug correction since your version. Here the link for just the php

    When using the contribs php scripts you have at the top of the file a drop
    down (clic it) to define where your instance of OSS can be adressed (adress an
    index name).

    Look inside the contrib/index.html for a quick explanation.

    We encourage you to take a look too at the README file who give you additional
    informations about the classes.


  • Pascal MERCIER

    Pascal MERCIER - 2009-10-19


    if you grab the new version , you'll have the contrib/fileSearch.php who is to
    be used with an index created from the "File Crawler" template.

    Hope it'll help.

    Oh, and if you have some errors like "SimpleXMLElement" saying xml
    is badly formatted, go in OSS interface and remove "content" of the
    returned field from the fileSearch query template. We're currently adressing
    this issue.



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