
Autocomplete truncates with Stop-Words?

  • reinhard

    reinhard - 2013-11-11

    It seems to me, that Autocomplete truncates the results by stopwords...
    For example:
    in the German stopword list is the term "er"
    Many german words and names end with "er" like "Maier",
    and therefore the autocomplete only returns "mai"
    although the "er" is part of the word.

    Or is there another reason for the truncations?

    And why are most (not all) suggestions returned as lowercase when they should be uppercase.
    And why are Umlauts (once again..) not shown? ä=a, ü=u, ö=o

    Thank you!

  • Emmanuel Keller

    Emmanuel Keller - 2013-11-11

    This can happen if you choose a field configured with the TextAnalyzer ("content" by example). The TextAnalyzer applies a stemmer which remove the end of the words.

    You could choose "contentExact" which use the StandardAnalyzer.

    If you use a standard index template (WEB_CRAWLER or FILE_CRAWLER) you should use the "autocomplete" field which has been built for that. This field will also provide expressions (not only single terms).

  • reinhard

    reinhard - 2013-11-12

    Yes - for Autocomplete, I am using autocomplete AND content, because autocomplete alone does not list enough keywords
    I will try with contentExact instead.

    Or how could I change which content autocomplete uses to get more suggestions?


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