
OpenNab / News: Recent posts


Due to major changes on the Nabaztag system, OpenNab is no longer maintained. Check OpenJabNab for a new software:

Posted by Olivier Azeau 2008-02-14

OpenNab 0.09

OpenNab 0.09 is released.
Main new feature is the support for RFID in the plugin framework.

For full details see release note :\*checkout*/opennab/tags/0.09/readme.txt?revision=207

Posted by Olivier Azeau 2007-11-02

OpenNab 0.08

OpenNab 0.08 is out with some new features.

Main one is the ability to integrate a 3rd party text-to-speech engine. Engine needs to provide audio content through an http get or post call.

For personal demo purpose, it can be connected to existing text-to-speech demo web sites on the web.
Feel free to ask for additional details.

Posted by Olivier Azeau 2007-10-08

OpenNab 0.07

OpenNab 0.07 is out with some new features :
- Cron system with OnCron plugin callback.
- MyWeather plugin automatically updates from URL. - Language plugin to globally define the language. - Change in plugin hierarchy (one folder for each plugin).
- One .ini file for each rabbit for settings override.

Posted by Olivier Azeau 2007-09-28

OpenNab 0.06

OpenNab 0.06 is released today with 3 new plugins : a quizz game, the ability to put the nabaztag asleep and a boothack to remove the ears movement on each incoming message.

Posted by Olivier Azeau 2007-03-01

Feature Requests

Feature Requests tracker is now used to describe all the evolution of the software that come to mind.

Posted by Olivier Azeau 2007-02-13