
Tree [4c87ef] master /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 Contrib 2015-03-06 Maarten ter Huurne Maarten ter Huurne [a74d65] Added OMR from/to text conversion tools (for TA...
 build 2015-06-16 m9710797 m9710797 [4c87ef] disable building openMSX, refer to new github p...
 doc 2015-05-28 Maarten ter Huurne Maarten ter Huurne [642394] Refer to as the openMSX web sit...
 share 2015-06-12 Manuel Bilderbeek Manuel Bilderbeek [8c3dae] Added Sanyo MPC-6, thanks to Werner Kai.
 src 2015-06-02 m9710797 m9710797 [35f23a] Fake just enough of the Mitsubishi ML-TS2 to ge...
 .gitignore 2013-07-10 Manuel Bilderbeek Manuel Bilderbeek [69a976] Ignore core files at all times.
 GNUmakefile 2007-07-02 Maarten ter Huurne Maarten ter Huurne [c834be] Process multiple goals sequentially.
 README 2015-05-28 Maarten ter Huurne Maarten ter Huurne [642394] Refer to as the openMSX web sit...
 configure 2013-04-24 wouter wouter [d08909] Various text-processing stuff

Read Me

openMSX - the MSX emulator that aims for perfection

openMSX comes with a set of HTML manuals that tell what you need to know
to install, configure and run openMSX. You can find these manuals in the
directory 'manual' inside the directory 'doc'. You can read them using
a web browser.

You can read what has changed in this and the previous releases in the
release notes. You can find the release notes of this release in the file
'release-notes.txt' in the directory 'doc'. Highlights of previous releases
can be found in 'release-history.txt'.

All source code and other works that are part of, or distributed with
openMSX are copyrighted by their respective authors. The file 'authors.txt'
contains a list of people who made works for openMSX or contributed works
to openMSX.

Some source files contain a license notice; all other source files are
licensed under the GNU Public License (GPL), of which you can find a copy
in the file 'GPL.txt'. If you got a binary release of openMSX and are
interested in the sources, please visit our home page:

Happy MSX-ing!
                        the openMSX developers
