
OpenI: OLAP Data Visualization Plugin / News: Recent posts

Replace JasperAnalysis UI with OpenI Plug-In

I am happy to announce some fun and exciting changes at OpenI, and the alpha release of our team's work over last couple of months.

First - OpenI as a “BI platform” on its own will discontinue. Instead, we will use Pentaho and Jasper as our base platforms as needed. The approach is to release “OpenI plug-ins” for Jasper and Pentaho — so that they behave/appear in a manner very similar to OpenI.

Our first step in this direction is our "Plug-In" for Jasper that replaces its JasperAnalysis interface (which is basically JPivot as-is) with OpenI's UI. We believe this is a greatly improved UI for JasperServer users who need better interface for OLAP reporting and exploratory analysis . ... read more

Posted by Sandeep Giri 2011-02-08

OpenI 2.0 RC2 is Here

Dear OpenI Community:

We just released OpenI 2.0-RC2. Our plan is to promote this RC to 2.0 general release in about 2 weeks, barring any new critical fixes. Big thanks to our team who have done a really great job.

There is also a demo available at (login is openi2/openi2)

And you can download it directly from: read more

Posted by Sandeep Giri 2009-09-05

OpenI 2.0 RC1 released!

Dear OpenI Community:

We are happy to announce the release candidate RC1 of OpenI 2.0 available for download.

There is also a demo available at (login is openi2/openi2)

We look forward to hearing your feedback on improving this release as we work on further testing of this version to get to general release. Please note that we are changing the license of OpenI to GPL v2 from this release. We will put a separate post to provide more information on that, but we feel that GPL is a much better option for us at the moment as it enables us to include other GPL-based components in our distribution.... read more

Posted by Sandeep Giri 2009-06-17

Vote OpenI for Community Choice Awards

Dear OpenI Community

Please support OpenI by voting for OpenI as the best project and/or best enterprise project in the SourceForge.Net Community Choice Awards.


Project Lead, OpenI.Org

Posted by Sandeep Giri 2009-05-13

OpenI 2.0 Beta Released

Dear OpenI Community:

I am very happy to announce that we have the beta version of OpenI 2.0 available for download. I want to thank our entire development team for all the hard work they have put in for this release.

There is also a demo available at (login is openi2/openi2)

We look forward to hearing your feedback on improving this release as we work on further testing of this version to get to general release. Here're some more details on the release: ... read more

Posted by Sandeep Giri 2009-05-05

OpenI 2.0 Alpha is Here

Hi Everyone

I am very happy to announce that we have the alpha version of OpenI 2.0 available for download. I want to thank our entire development team for all the hard work they have put in for this release.

There is also a demo available at (login is openi2/openi2)

We look forward to hearing your feedback on improving this release as we work on further testing of this version to get to beta. Here're some more details on the release:... read more

Posted by Sandeep Giri 2008-08-15

OpenI 1.3.0 Released!

Dear OpenI Community:

We are very happy to announce the long-awaited OpenI 1.3.0 release. The team was sort of on a hiatus over the winter, but now back on track to move the project forward.

Special thanks to Paul Lucas and Dipendra Pokhrel for contributing the majority of the code, and of course, to Pedro Casals for continued support on the internationalization front as well as making fixes on jPivot and Mondrian side.... read more

Posted by Sandeep Giri 2007-02-07

OpenI 1.2.1 released

The OpenI team is pleased to announce the 1.2.1 release. This release includes a greatly stabilized platform for OLAP and RDBMS reporting. Thanks to all those who provided feedback, in particular chris_lavigne and weavelink. Here are some of the highlights:
* Resolved several sql2005 compatibility issues. Greatly improved compatibility with sql2005, as well as backwards compatbility with sql2000, and mondrian.
* Read Only Access - We added a new user access level, which allows read only access to analyses, no admin directory visible.
* Greatly Improved jasper functionality: export features (pdf, xml, etc), subreports enabled, parameterizable reports enabled, larger resultset handling. ... read more

Posted by paul lucas 2006-06-22

OpenI 1.2 released: SQL2005, R, autogeneration and more

= Release notes for the OpenI 1.2 =
OpenI 1.2 has reached the Release milestone, and is now available for download. This release of OpenI greatly improves your business intelligence options. OpenI now integrates with:
* Sql Analysis Services 2005, Sql2000sp4, (continued sql2000sp3 support)
* R Server integration through RServe api
* Jasper RDBMS reporting.
* Dashboard Views - analyze your olap data side by side, for any number of analyses with the new dashboard feature
* Dashboard management - creating, modifying, and deleting dashboard definitions are simple, and can be done online
* Autogenerate - get an instant overview of your cubes by autogenerating reports for each dimension, then view them side by side with an autogenerated dashboard
* continued integration with Mondrian. ... read more

Posted by paul lucas 2006-04-14

OpenI 1.2 Alpha - Sql2005 Integration

OpenI 1.2 - ALPHA Release Notes
This release of OpenI greatly improves your business intelligence options. OpenI now integrates with:

* Sql Analysis Services 2005, Sql2000sp4, (continued sql2000sp3 support)
* R Server integration through RServe api
* Jasper RDBMS reporting.
* continued integration with Mondrian.
* Additional features listed below.
* This is an alpha release ("preview"). We are near beta, primiarily need to verify sql2005 functionality on other tomcat and jdk platforms. Also need to beef up documentation and samples.
* currently only tested on jdk1.4.x, and tomcat 5.0.x
* There are special deployment instructions for tomcat 5.0.x (other versions of tomcat, unknown if this is needed)
** Due to some issues integrating with sql2005, you will need unzip the following files (from jwsdp-1.6):
** unzip openi/conf/tomcat/
** backup up your tomcat_home/common/endorsed/ directory
** copy xalan.jar, xercesImpl.jar, xml-apis.jar into tomcat_home/common/endorsed/
** continue with normal deployment instructions... read more

Posted by paul lucas 2006-03-08

The latest in opensource BI is complete: OpenI-1.1.1

We're proud to announce the latest release of OpenI-1.1.1. new features include:
* Drillthrough_Stream - Drillthrough results are no longer stored in memory! This enables much much larger drillthrough results sizes. Of course, you are still limited by sql performance, but that is another story.
* Improved_Error_Handling - New and improved error pages that print out more reliably without wreaking havoc on your page layouts.
* Xmla security - Old feature updated for use with tomcat 5.5 - can secure xmla datasource with basic authentication. This current version now supports xml sucurity for both tc5.0 and 5.5.
* We have eliminated the "busy" page, which caused more user experience problems than it solved.
* Folder_Security - Folders security can now be configured per folder - specify all, or any specific set of users who can view a certain directory.... read more

Posted by paul lucas 2005-11-30

OpenI 1.1 Releases: Open Source BI Becomes More Real

OpenI is an open source BI application that provides out-of-box OLAP analysis and reporting. OpenI is available as a J2EE web application, and supports XMLA-compliant OLAP servers including Microsoft Analysis Services and Mondrian. Users can point OpenI to any relational database and start publishing interactive OLAP reports on the web. Future versions of OpenI will enable analysis of other data sources such as relational databases and data mining models.... read more

Posted by Sandeep Giri 2005-09-26

OpenI 1.1 reaches BETA milestone

We are pleased to announce that OpenI 1.1 has reached its beta milesteone. This release integrates OpenI and mondrian via xmla. This release requires non-trivial community contributions and feedback to mondrian, jpivot, and OpenI. Also as part of this release is spring integration, and several other bug fixes, and a last second addition for clvl. More details, including technical documentation can be found at read more

Posted by paul lucas 2005-09-02

Upcoming release of OpenI 1.1

Dear OpenI Community:

Thanks for all your support so far. We have been very pleasantly surprised by the interest, participation, and feedback. We hope to meet your expectations going forward. Also a special thanks to those who contributed their code, time, and just mental CPU-time in general to implement new features and fix existing bugs.

We are currenlty working hard on a 1.1 release, which will mainly focus on providing Mondrian support, among other things. Some of you have already seen active discussion threads both here at OpenI as well as Mondrian forums (thanks a lot to Mondrian team for working on their XMLA interface). Essentially, this release will include Mondrian so you can install OpenI, point to any existing relational database and start building cubes and building interactive OLAP analyses. A beta version should be out this week, and we hope to have a final release within a couple of weeks. ... read more

Posted by Sandeep Giri 2005-08-29

OpenI at SD Forum's BI SIG

July 19, 2005, Palo Alto.

We had a good presentation yesterday at the Software Development Forum's Business Intelligence SIG.

There were about 30-40 people in the audience, and we had a very interesting and interactive discussion around the role of open source in BI, and of course about OpenI as well. Julian Hyde and Sherman Wood from the Mondrian project were also there (thanks), so the presentation definitely felt more of a community gathering.... read more

Posted by Sandeep Giri 2005-07-21

Welcome to OpenI Release 1.0

We are very happy to announce the release of OpenI 1.0, a web application for BI reporting. We have been leveraging this application in a Software-as-a-Service model for our clients, and we want to pursue an open source development model to improve this application. As such, we are open sourcing this application under the name "OpenI" (pronounced open-eye) -- available at . ... read more

Posted by Sandeep Giri 2005-07-01