
Editing Front-End of OpenGTS

  • Viswanath Keerthi


    I'm a PHP Developer and I don't have much idea about JSP/Java. I'm good with HTML and CSS. May I know how to edit the front-end of the opengts website? I'm sure that editing the font-end is possible, but I'd like to know which files I've to edit and what programming languages I should know. Please help me, i'll be really grateful.


  • tea4two

    tea4two - 2014-07-31

    Dear Keerthi,

    to change the aspect you can use the CSS. See in war/track/css/.css files.
    to change html you can change src/org/opengts/war/track/pages/
    .jsp files.
    search for out.print(< some html code >). inside Write_HTML function.

    For deep changes you need to know Java....

    But using CSS end few HTML you can change several things.

    BTW, take a look at private.xml configuration file. Several changes can be made with simple changes and no Code changes.

    Good work
    - Pierluigi

    • Viswanath Keerthi

      Really, glad to see fastest reply! Seriously, helped me. I've one more small doubt. If I want to edit the CSS in /src/ is there any way? or I can only edit the CSS after the build?

      If I edit the total CSS after the build, can I use that build and install opengts on other servers?


  • tea4two

    tea4two - 2014-08-07

    Every time you made changes it's required to compile and deploy the new track.war.

    - Pierluigi

  • wmc

    wmc - 2014-08-07

    Hi Pierluigi,
    Just on a different note, do you know how one can load the event details shown in device map page when you click 'Show map details' so that this dosplays in a different div? The usecase is a scenario where you may have tabs on the bottom part of the map page and you want the event details to display within one of the tabs.


  • tea4two

    tea4two - 2014-08-07

    You must change the HTML code in the writePage function in the

    Good work
    - Pierluigi

  • wmc

    wmc - 2014-08-07

    Hi Pierluigi,
    True you need to change, but actually the very specific question is: how do you specify a redirect this to load within a different div... some code sample maybe?


  • Youssef Mehdi OUKAJA

    please some one can help me, i need to change CSS of OpenGTS and Add other fonctionnality


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