
user device group gets reset

  • furrymitn

    furrymitn - 2008-07-18

    when setting a user's device group, it will not save(using 1.8.3).  I can set it, but clicking save resets it to all. If I set it in the database, it will show correctly in the web interface until I make a change to the user.

    Also, on the same note, when setting a user's device group to a single one, is there a way to not allow them to even see the other device groups in the device group map drop down?  Maybe an extra ACL i'm missing?

    • Martin Flynn

      Martin Flynn - 2008-07-19

      Thanks for finding this.  I've located the problem in the User info
      page.code.  This will be fixed in the next release.  I'll also look
      into the hiding of device groups that do not contain authorized devices.
      - Martin


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