
New to OpenGTS - Need Inputs!

  • Vikram

    Vikram - 2015-01-15


    I'm fairly new to OpenGTS (an excellent platform by the way!) and to socket programming / protocols, so really do need some help from each of you re: all the inputs I can get. Specifically, am struggling with the below questions - would you be able to chime in please!

    1. I've been able to get OpenGTS working on my personal Mac but havent purchased a device yet. For now, I'm just pushing in random lat / long data to the mysql db and debugging my webpage. However, if I get a device, how would I go about sending data from it to my Mac mysql db? Understand we need a GSM connection and the SIM needs to be put into the device, but I'm not able to understand how would the data flow into my local machine's db.

    2. I plan to productionize the usage of this system - what kind of server should I look at? Afraid I dont have web programming expertise but is something like the Amazon Cloud the right hosting server solution for OpenGTS? So essentially, I would need to install OpenGTS on the Amazon Cloud server, and my devices would then send data to it via GSM?

    Thanks much for your inputs!

  • madhusudhana

    madhusudhana - 2015-01-28

    Hi Vikram,

    The Flow is like bellow.
    1. Install the SIM card in side the device.
    2. Set all the configurations in the device(Ex: APN, IP Address and port number of your server, Data interval..etc)
    3. Run the DCS server in your OpenGTS.
    4. Write the data parsing logic inside the DCS Program.


    • Vikram

      Vikram - 2015-03-01

      Thanks much, Madhu!


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