
#11 Exposing joystick polling


Although Steve Baker opposes exposing the joystick
direct-polling functions, someone has exposed that API
in freeglut anyway.

I had intended to expose it (and drop the callback)
mechanism when I migrated the joystick code to a
separate library. But, now I'm considering exposing the
API before OpenGLEAN 1.0. I have mixed feelings about
this, as GLUT is not the proper placee for joystick
handling, in the role that it has come to assume.

And freeglut has not had a release with this API

And I would preferred to have removed the ``glut''
prefixes to the function names.

We'll see. For now, I'm opening an RFE.


  • Richard Rauch

    Richard Rauch - 2005-08-12

    Logged In: YES

    Okay, Steve Baker has not asked that the joystick polling be
    unexposed. So freeglut is probably going to expose these in
    the next release.

    Exposing the functions before migrating joystick support out
    of OpenGLEAN also will let me test them a bit. It will also
    let me do a pass or two at documenting the functions so that
    when the independent joystick library is available, the
    joystick functions will be properly documented. But, in an
    ideal world, joystick support would never have been present
    in OpenGLEAN.

  • Richard Rauch

    Richard Rauch - 2005-08-12
    • summary: Consider exposing joystick polling functions. --> Exposing joystick polling

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