As expressed before, personally, the whole process makes my head swim. I must be quite literal at times, for I need rank ordered items... 1) do this, 2)do that, 3)do this next thing etc etc, and in my case, it needs to be specialized to psychiatry.

Linda Hungerford

"An expert is a (hu)man who has made all the mistakes which can be made in a very narrow field." {Niels Bohr (1885-1962)}

-----Original Message-----

From: Brady Miller
Sent: May 20, 2015 2:50 AM
To: "[openemr:discussion] "
Subject: [openemr:discussion] CQM for MU2 - Discussion


In regards to Eddy's post above. I think one of the goals of this thread was to try to be as transparent as possible in addition to getting the CQM MU2 item ignited asap (note this item is a huge bottleneck for MU2 and the clock is ticking).

It appears we may not of done very well on the transparency front. My re-read of this thread is that it all seemed ok, however, I am biased since I'm deeply involved in the project. Eddy's and other's input about how we could of done this better would be very helpful to make both the OpenEMR project and the OEMR organization better in the future.


CQM for MU2 - Discussion