
Cutermization of pages

  • lasa

    lasa - 2015-02-27

    Hi first I would like to to thanks the openemr developers for providing this wonderful software.
    I have installed this successfully and now I want to do further customization according to our requirement.
    I like so hide some fields which are not relevant to our organization .So please tell what are the files names I should edit

    1. Patient home page - i want to remove disclosures, amendments sections in the main panel and remove clinical remainders from the right side bar

    2. encounter summary page - need to remove small box at the top saying Provided Education Resource(s)?
      Provided Clinical Summary?..etc
      3 Fee sheet page - need to remove "ADD COPAY" button
      4 CAMOS Page- I have planned to add CAMOS form as well but i like to remove the titles shown in CAMOS form summary like Letterhead that patient signs | Letterhead that doctor signs ....etc

    Thank you

    • Pieter W

      Pieter W - 2015-02-27

      "Make it cuter.

      This is what you ask for isn't it? Start reading the manuals, next find the relevant topics in the Fora and WIKI Pages, this might be a huge project to do it with the help of only volunteers, but is all there in the history files of OpenEMR.

      If this is not the advise you expected, please find one or more of the excellent Developers to give you a headstart. Most of them are well aware of the implementations you want to establish and more than capable to get everything you ask for in place.


      Last edit: Pieter W 2015-02-27
  • lasa

    lasa - 2015-02-27

    Hi Pieter
    Thanks for your comments. Actually I went through with the wiki and forum but couldn't find out about the file structure of the system .
    I just want to know the names of the files I should edit. I hope I will be able to handle the coding part as Im not going to do major modifications.
    Thanks again

    • Linda E. Hungerford, M.D.

      I believe your answers will be in the administration section under the
      various preferences and lists. This is where I would look first. Some
      of what you are wanting to change, though, helps providers remember to
      do some of the things that are necessary for CMS attestation.

      Now if you are not worried about fulfilling requirements of attestation,
      this won't matter to you.
      Dr. Linda

      On 2/27/2015 7:07 AM, lasa wrote:

      Hi Pieter
      Thanks for your comments. Actually I went through with the wiki and forum but couldn't find out about the file structure of the system .
      I just want to know the names of the files I should edit. I hope I will be able to handle the coding part as Im not going to do major modifications.
      Thanks again

  • Pieter W

    Pieter W - 2015-02-27

    The File structure is best understood IF..... if you can follow the PHP file constructions. I can't help you with more information on File structures, as what can be found in the WIKI pages. It is there, but it might be hidden in one of the sub-pages.

    Changes made in Coding is best done as an administrator, from within OpenEMR. Database Administration => other => database etc.

    Administration => Layout
    Administration => List
    Administration => Codes

    Best thing is: Do not delete, but make things unused/inactive or rename LABELS/FIELDS to your private wishlist.

    Making fields in rows UNUSED can give problems for the Layout on the screens and might need extra attention.

    Rename the wording is best done in Language module.

    Activate Forms give the opportunity to make other forms active. By doing so, you also know the names of the files included for these new Forms.

  • MD Support

    MD Support - 2015-02-27

    OpenEMR uses older coding styles and techniques which makes it easier for you to 'discover' things. When you need to find the source script for an item on the screen, point to the item and right-click to get the firefox menu path: This Frame -> View frame info.

    e.g. Disclosures shows address as :

    You can open demographics.php, search for 'disclosures' and deactivate the code block. Can't beat Open Source... Yeah!

    Things will get complicated with encounter forms since many cooks have provided diverse recipes for recording data. Layout forms are easy .. there is a editor. Others not so easy but also not impossible.

    Have fun.

    • Linda E. Hungerford, M.D.

      Not sure how to make it cuter, though. Maybe starting with a watermark
      with printing?
      Dr. Linda

      On 2/27/2015 12:05 PM, MD Support wrote:

      OpenEMR uses older coding styles and techniques which makes it easier for you to 'discover' things. When you need to find the source script for an item on the screen, point to the item and right-click to get the firefox menu path: This Frame -> View frame info.

      e.g. Disclosures shows address as :

      You can open demographics.php, search for 'disclosures' and deactivate the code block. Can't beat Open Source... Yeah!

      Things will get complicated with encounter forms since many cooks have provided diverse recipes for recording data. Layout forms are easy .. there is a editor. Others not so easy but also not impossible.

      Have fun.

  • epsdky

    epsdky - 2015-02-27

    Hello Lasa,

    Some of the things that you want to achieve can be done in admin...

    Admin > Globals > Features > Amendments

    Admin > Globals > CDR > Enable Clinical Reminder Widget

    (encounter page box - Provided Education Resource(s)? etc...)

    Admin > Globals > CDR > Enable AMC Prompting



    EDIT - Added missing "Globals" - Thanks Pieter.


    Last edit: epsdky 2015-02-27
  • Pieter W

    Pieter W - 2015-02-27

    Forgot the global.

    Administration => Globals => Features etc..........

  • lasa

    lasa - 2015-03-01

    Hi Guys
    Thanks all for your advices.. I was able to modify it according to my requirement :)


    Last edit: lasa 2015-03-01
  • Pieter W

    Pieter W - 2015-03-01

    You are welcome! Would you be willing to share your experience with the community... tell us something about your setting, clients and how this rather minimum setting was better than what could be available in OpenEMR.

    Did you manage to get CAMOS working to your likings?

  • lasa

    lasa - 2015-03-04

    Actually our settings bases on very simple work flow . We plan to implement it on General practice where only OPD facility is available. So this GP practices here are functioning in very small scale and average staff count is about 2-4 but there are significant number of patients are attained . So our main goal is to minimize data entry time much as we can and collect only essential data elements. That why we want to hide all unnecessary parts from the screen.

    I and my other colleague Muditha planned to use CAMOS As Prescription templates to reduce the data entry time further. So we have created predefined templates for particular diagnosis and put them in age groups. We doctor can pick the template and do the fine modification if required . We want to change the name CAMOS to Prescription and hide items like Letterhead that patient signs | Letterhead that doctor signs mentioned above But we still didn't modify that part .

    We planned to modify the Fee sheet structure as well because we don;t practice medical insurance systems and all most all patients make the payment by them self in cash. So we don't need justification process...etc We want to hide all to make it simpler.

  • epsdky

    epsdky - 2015-03-04

    Hello Lasa,

    The CAMOS items...

    "Letterhead that patient signs | Letterhead that doctor signs" etc

    can be found in the file...


    (Right click approach will not lead directly to correct location in this case).




    Last edit: epsdky 2015-03-05
  • lasa

    lasa - 2015-03-05

    epsdky Thank you very much.

    one more question ..what is the file I should edit to change the title of CAMOS form shown in the encounter summary page

  • ViSolve

    ViSolve - 2015-03-09

    Hello Lasa

    To change the 'CAMOS' form title present in the "encounter summary page", you need to change in the file 'interface/patient_file/encounter/forms.php'.

    OpenEMR Customization/Support Team,
    ViSolve Inc | Phone: 408-850-2243
    Demo's @ ViSolve Demo Library

  • lasa

    lasa - 2015-03-09

    Thanks lot ViSolve.. :)


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