
Hiding information of demographics in reports

  • Mangalesh

    Mangalesh - 2013-01-30

    It doesn't make any sense to print all the demographics information on patient discharge report. Only information under 'Who' is essential on top followed by discharge summary. How to do this?

  • Mangalesh

    Mangalesh - 2013-01-31

    Physician is going to give only discharge summary to the patient where only Patient Name, ID, Address, Contact number/s, and Discharge Summary are required. All other information is unessential. Is there any way to filter this in the report?

  • Mangalesh

    Mangalesh - 2013-01-31

    Can anybody suggest any solutions for displaying only 'Who' and 'Contact' groups of Demographics in reports please? Even the details about decease look improper on patient copy even though kept blank, and so I moved them to 'History' form.

    Thanks in advance.
    MJ :)

  • Brady Miller

    Brady Miller - 2013-01-31


    But we're all gonna die at some point. You could even default the deceased field to 'not yet' and maybe place it below a smoking status field for patient education. On a serious note, two things to consider (a developer would need to do this):
    1. Mechanism to only print fields that contain information.
    2. Or a mechanism to set a field (there are options that can be ascribed to each field) to not display if it is empty.

    Also, if somebody is set as deceased, there is a warning that shows at the top of the patient summary (moving it to the history table will remove this feature).


  • Brady Miller

    Brady Miller - 2013-01-31


    I just checked this in the report and the date deceased of 0000-00-00 00:00:00 that is given would probably be seen as a bit creepy by a patient.


  • Pieter W

    Pieter W - 2013-01-31

    As long as there are only 00 and more 00 it coul dbe handled as blanks???? or may be these zroe's could be omitted somewhere in the software……..

  • Mangalesh

    Mangalesh - 2013-02-01

    Thanks Brady for your witty as well as serious reply. You said it: "…the date deceased of 0000-00-00 00:00:00 that is given would probably be seen as a bit creepy by a patient." So is there any solution for this?
    Thanks in adv.
    MJ :)

  • ViSolve

    ViSolve - 2013-02-02

    Hi MJ/Brady,

    For printing the  essential Data alone in patient Demographic's report,
    Instead of printing the fields contain information, we can give the option to choose the category/fields to display and print in the demographic report. (They can check the necessary fields to print).

    Any suggestions or drawbacks in this method?


  • Pieter W

    Pieter W - 2013-02-02

    I would like to see the option: Show/Don't show for empty fields, but sometimes need to DO NOT WANT TO SEE a field, an example might be: married/divorced/single

  • Mangalesh

    Mangalesh - 2013-02-02


    You are absolutely right. We need an option to select/deselect for each tab of demographics. Because as I said earlier, displaying of all the information in patient copy doesn't make any sense.

    Also what Pieter B. is asking…Either show/don't show empty fields or not showing empty fields in the report.

    MJ :)

  • Pieter W

    Pieter W - 2013-02-02

    Normally you don't want to show empty field in a report. But sometimes it is handy to give the client a copy with all the empty fields to get them back filled with the proper information and during low client impact you can include the information in Open-EMR for that specific patient

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2013-02-02

    Another thing that is off about the demographic report is the physician signature line. The signature should be limited to encounter-based reports, imo.


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