
Openemr installation issues

  • Christopher DeNise

    Im getting an error when i try to add a new patient.
    Error: Table'openemr.layout_options' doesnt exist
    alternate text

  • fsgl

    fsgl - 2015-01-13

    If the desired location is localhost, would suggest following:

    1. uninstall present copy.
    2. install package.
    3. use Firefox.
    • Christopher DeNise

      if i use this package can i still bind the IP address of the server to the localhost so i can access it from anywhere?

  • Christopher DeNise

    gotcha, is there a set of procedures to follow to make sure its fully uninstalled?

  • fsgl

    fsgl - 2015-01-13

    Explain how & where present installation occurred.

    • Christopher DeNise

      sorry for the delay, we are trying to get openemr up and running on our windows 2012r2 server hosted through amazon. i installed that instance last week. didnt realize that there was an error with the tables missing between sql and php. I went ahead and installed xampp package as yuo directed and it seems to be working fine now.
      Im not an expert with apache so i'm trying to figure out how to publish it as a website now that i can access from anywhere. i was using IIS before.

  • Christopher DeNise

    i think i figured it out thanks for the help. just had to modify the httpd.conf file so that it was listening on the right ports.

  • Christopher Stehno

    I just installed the 4.2.0 version on Windows 2008 and IIS and got the same error. I found the file .\openemr\sql\2_8_3-to-2_9_0_upgrade.sql which contained the table definition for layout_options. After running this, it seems to be happy.

  • fsgl

    fsgl - 2015-02-05

    Are Apache, MySQL & PHP enabled in the basic package in the Amazon cloud service or are they add-ons (which I presume to be the case from C. DeNise's posts)?

    Better not to have all that stuff enabled because it would interfere with the XAMPP-OpenEMR install.


    Last edit: fsgl 2015-02-05
  • Dan

    Dan - 2016-04-04

    Thanks Christopher Stehno , your idea of running sql worked for me too.


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