
Dispensary problems

  • Eric

    Eric - 2011-11-25

    Hello all - hoping someone might be able to shed some light on where I may have gone wrong setting up my dispensary.  I'm running OpenEMR 4.0.0, and have followed online instructions to activate my in house dispensary module.  DIdn't have any problem adding drugs to my inventory, however when I try and add prescriptions for patients, my drop down box for "in-house" does not list anything, and if I type in the names manually, and click save and dispense, I get an error stating: "internal error no Drug ID specified!"  Any insights into what I may have done wrong would be appreciated - thanks,


  • zoomla

    zoomla - 2012-02-04

    Seeing this error also - has anybody found the cause and cure?

  • MAX

    MAX - 2013-02-15

    i have installed the last version 4.1.1. and the last patch, the -select from inventory - bottom list doesn't work, it gives no drugs that already we could add through inventory management.

    when you start typing one of the drugs of inventory, automatically the field (drug) fill it, but after cliking on "save and dispense,", it give this popup error: Internal error, no drug ID specified!

    as there is a few posts relating this problem, I consider that it works and nobody has problem with it, otherwise we could have at least many similar post or one answer !!!

  • Brady Miller

    Brady Miller - 2013-02-16


    To clarify, was this working for you on a previous OpenEMR version?



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