
turn off the bottom pane by default

  • Merlin Silk

    Merlin Silk - 2015-01-23

    I noticed in our regular use that the first thing after logging into the system we turn off the Bottom pane.
    Is there a way to turn this off by default in order to save this repetitive action?

  • ViSolve

    ViSolve - 2015-01-23

    Merlin Silk,

    There is no setting to turn off by default, we need customization to achieve this.

    OpenEMR Customization/Support Team,
    ViSolve Inc
    Demo's @ ViSolve Demo Library

  • Merlin Silk

    Merlin Silk - 2015-01-23

    Thanks, ViSolve,
    any hints where I could find the place for that customization?

  • ViSolve

    ViSolve - 2015-01-23

    Hello Merlin

    To turn off the bottom pane do the below steps in the file /interface/main/left_nav.php

    On line number 416 after the "parent.loadedFrameCount += 1" statement we need to place the below code


    OpenEMR Customization/Support Team,
    ViSolve Inc
    Demo's @ ViSolve Demo Library

  • Merlin Silk

    Merlin Silk - 2015-01-26

    Thanks ViSolve,
    that works perfectly!

  • David Speck MD

    David Speck MD - 2015-03-15


    I tried the software modification you described above on version 4.2, but it does not work.

    The line:

    parent.loadedFrameCount += 1

    has moved up to line# 384, but occurs only once in the file.

    Any suggestions to re-enable this mod would be most welcome.



  • Pieter W

    Pieter W - 2015-03-15

    Not in my V 4.2 It works great.

    Except for the header of the page. There seems to be no patient information to create new encounter or view an encounter.

    Probably I need to do something more to get the patient info for old and new encounters.

    So I reverted to the original settings and there it is again in working order.

    Found my error: It is not replace by, but ADD after this line the following..... misinterpretation my side.

    • David Speck MD

      David Speck MD - 2015-03-16

      Thanks, Pieter,

      I inserted the code as directed, cleared the browser cache, and it still didn't work.


  • Pieter W

    Pieter W - 2015-03-16

    Did you do a logout and new login?

    After the line suggested by ViSolve I included the code and left the mentioned line.

    Don't know why yours does not work.

  • David Speck MD

    David Speck MD - 2015-03-16

    Yes, a couple of times. No difference.


    • Pieter W

      Pieter W - 2015-03-16

      Computers can not be trusted!

      They rob you of your free time, that is supposed to be free because.......

      They have their own way of thinking. How to spent more free time created by the so called "Digitalisation"?

      Start using computers.....


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