
Tree [r170] /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 VectorTestBranch 2007-06-02 david_lovegrove [r170]
 include 2007-01-29 david_lovegrove [r51] Removed all files. NoRemoved all of the files i...
 lib 2007-01-29 david_lovegrove [r68] Changed cgui_d to dgui_d and updated descriptio...
 projects 2007-04-14 David_Lovegrove [r153] Made a few tweaks to the linux makefile.
 resources 2007-04-29 David_Lovegrove [r154] Removed the window from example layout.
 source 2007-04-14 David_Lovegrove [r153] Made a few tweaks to the linux makefile.
 tools 2007-03-27 David_Lovegrove [r122] Removed the new_distro branch, don't think i ne...
 README.txt 2007-02-13 david_lovegrove [r102] Updated README.txt with dependency information ...

Read Me


1. Dependancies

   1.1 FreeType

   1.2 FreeImage

   1.3 TinyXml

2. Building dGUI

   2.1 Windows

   2.2 Linux

1. Dependancies

1.1 FreeType

dGUI uses FreeType for the loading of font files when building font sheets. The Windows FreeType
library (freetype.lib) is distributed with dGUI. For complexity reasons the freeimage linux binary 
source is not distributed within and must be built separately. 

For more information about FreeType please visit

1.2 FreeImage

dGUI uses FreeImage for the crossplatform loading of image files. The windows FreeImage binary is 
distributed within. 

For more information about FreeImage please visit

1.3 TinyXml

dGUI uses TinyXml for the loading of style sheets from xml files. The appropriate TinyXml files are
included in the visual studio solution and reside in /resources/libs/tinyxml.

For more infomation about TintXml please visit

2. Building dGUI

2.1 Windows

Firstly you need to build ErrorTxtToArray executable. This executable scripts errorstring.h and
errorstring.cpp from \resources\error_codes.txt and is required for each build of the library
to keep error messages up to date.

To build the dGUI library (.lib) open \projects\dGUI.sln and build the dGUI project. This will 
output the dgui.lib file into \lib.

To use in your own project add \lib and \include to your project paths.

2.2 Linux