
OpenBooks / News: Recent posts

New Readers Notes Section

Darren O'Connor sent a nice little code example,
sparking the creation of a new section of the web site, at

Posted by John R. Sheets 2001-09-28

WGA Book 1.0 Release

The four chapters of Writing GNOME Applications released under the GFDL are now available for download at
and are browsable online at

Posted by John R. Sheets 2001-08-05

WGA book online at

Addison-Wesley agreed to let me release four chapters of my book, Writing GNOME Applications, under the GFDL license. They are currently online at and will soon be online here at OpenBooks also.

Posted by John R. Sheets 2001-07-06

New Sections on Web Site

Added four new sub-sections for the Web Site,
to hold info on Books, Authors, Publishers,
and Tools.

Posted by John R. Sheets 2000-11-08

GNOME book now in DocBook

Over the weekend I got most of my book
'Writing GNOME Applications' converted to
DocBook. It's still a little rough, and
lacks pictures and inline formatting, but
is a good start. I'm still waiting on
the official go-ahead from Addison-Wesley
before I can put it online. Should be
any day now....

Posted by John R. Sheets 2000-11-08

Web Site is Up

Finally got around to throwing together some simple HTML for the OpenBooks Web site ( Also set up four mailing lists.

Posted by John R. Sheets 2000-08-29