
Problem when I tried to create a login for a new user

  • Randmatt

    Randmatt - 2015-01-06

    I can't set a login for a new user , this message error appears after I submit the "Permission for ...... " form.
    "fillInStackTrace: java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: ""

    getLocalizedMessage: For input string: ""

    getMessage: For input string: ""

    toString: java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: ""

    Can anyone give me the solution, please?
    I'm using the last version (4.97.01)

    Thanks for helping

  • Stijn MXS

    Stijn MXS - 2015-01-07

    You're right, the alias field is causing troubles.
    I fixed it.

    • Randmatt

      Randmatt - 2015-01-08

      Thanks, is the working version available now? because I don't see a new version of the program to download.

  • Stijn MXS

    Stijn MXS - 2015-01-08

    Since creating a new version takes time too, we don't generate a new version for each bug.
    Meanwhile, you can leave the alias field (for new users) empty to ommit the bug.
    (You can enter the alias after assigning initial permissions.)

    • Aboubacar diallo

      Hi! I installed openclinic GA but I would like to use a central database locally other than the one installed by openclinic. how could this be configured?

  • Aboubacar diallo

    Hi! I installed openclinic GA but I would like to use a central database locally other than the one installed by openclinic. how could this be configured?

    • Frank Verbeke

      Frank Verbeke - 2020-08-18

      You would simply need to modify the database connectivity settings in c:\projects\openclinic\tomcat8\conf\db.cfg according to your central database (ip address, jdbc driver if database server different from MySQL, username, password)


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