
OJAX - Ajax powered metasearch service / News: Recent posts

Ojax PhD and MSc Scholarships application details

Applications are invited for one PhD scholarship (3 years) and one MSc scholarship (2 years). To commence September 1st 2007.

Project Title: OJAX++: A Next-Generation Collaborative Research Tool

Funding Agency: Science Foundation Ireland

Project Details:
The aim of the proposed research is to investigate how concepts from the Social Web and recommender technology can be applied to the research environment in order to facilitate dynamic collaboration and the sharing of ideas among researchers. It will be illustrated via the creation of OJAX++, a next-generation collaborative research tool, using Web 2.0
technologies such as Web Services, Ajax, collaborative tagging and recommender functionality.... read more

Posted by Padraig O'hIceadha 2007-04-27

Science Foundation Ireland funds OJAX.Studentships available

Applications are invited for one PhD scholarship (3 years) and one MSc scholarship (2 years).
To commence September 1st 2007.

The aim of the proposed research is to investigate how concepts from the Social Web and recommender technology can be applied to the research environment in order to facilitate dynamic collaboration and the sharing of ideas among researchers. It will be illustrated via the creation of OJAX++, a next-generation collaborative research tool, using Web 2.0 technologies such as Web Services, Ajax, collaborative tagging and recommender functionality. OJAX will be a component of OJAX++. ... read more

Posted by Padraig O'hIceadha 2007-04-19

Ojax Beta released.

OJAX federated search service is now in Beta release and ready for download. Version 0.7 is the first beta quality release and has improved performance, stability and user feedback, as well as additional features such as saved searches as Atom feeds.

OJAX illustrates how federated search services can respond to new user expectations raised by Web 2.0:

• Rich, dynamic user experience. OJAX uses Ajax technology to provide immediate dynamic response to user input.
• Intuitive interface. The OJAX interface provides the simplicity and familiarity of Google but with the power of advanced search
• Integration, interoperability and reuse. OJAX uses loosely coupled Web Services, OpenSearch format Atom feeds, thus allowing for integration with a range of virtual library environments, institutional repositories, course management systems and institutional portals.
• Open source standards-compliance. OJAX supports best-practice open source standards and software, including OAI-PMH and Apache Lucene.... read more

Posted by Padraig O'hIceadha 2007-01-09

Ojax workshop as part of DORSDL (ECDL 2006)

The 1st European Workshop on the use of Digital Object Repository Systems in Digital Libraries (DORSDL) is taking place today as part of the 10th European Conference On Research And Advanced Technology For Digital Libraries (ECDL) 2006 in Alicante, Spain.

As part of the Services Session there will be a workshop titled "OJAX: Facilitating dynamic access to repository metadata" facilitated by Judith Wusteman (UCD).... read more

Posted by Padraig O'hIceadha 2006-09-21

New Ojax release with search integration w/ Firefox 2 & IE 7

Ojax 0.6 has a new service to dynamically build an OpenSearch description which works with both Firefox 2.0 and IE 7, and should also work with other OpenSearch compatible tools.

It also supports OpenSearch discovery to allow the browser to automatically discover the OpenSearch description and add Ojax to your Firefox 2 or IE 7 search plugins.

It even supports auto-complete in the Firefox 2.0 search box, just like Google, etc do.

Posted by Padraig O'hIceadha 2006-08-11

Online Demo now available

If you want to try Ojax without even having to download and install it an online demo is now available.

For more info see

Many thanks to the Intelligent Information Retrieval Group in University College Dublin ( for hosting this demo.

Posted by Padraig O'hIceadha 2006-04-28

Subversion migration complete

Recently Sourceforge added the option of managing project code with Subversion, which is a more modern source code control solution than cvs.

In particular it much easier to use through a firewall than cvs. It also does not suffer from the same limitations as the earlier Sourceforge implementation of cvs where project maintainers could not delete or rename files.

Ojax has now migrated all development from cvs to subversion.... read more

Posted by Padraig O'hIceadha 2006-04-21

Testimonial page added.

We've posted some of the feedback we've seen on Ojax to

Posted by Padraig O'hIceadha 2006-03-20

Ojax 0.5 released. This major release is a total rewrite.

This is a major release of Ojax.

This version is a total from the ground up rewrite and features dramatically improved performance.

Ojax no longer requires ARC (oaiarc) in any way, and no longer requires a relational database.
Instead Apache Lucene is used to index and search the content. This also provides a much more powerful query language for advanced users of Ojax.

Ojax now includes it's own OAI-PMH harvester.... read more

Posted by Padraig O'hIceadha 2006-03-06

Ojax 0.0.2 Released (maintenance release)

A minor maintenance release to correct reported issues.

1) The Ojax search page used to assume Ojax was installed in a web applicatoin called ajax, when the installtions instructions suggested installation into a web application called ojax.
It has been changed to not make any assumptions as to the name of the web application.

2) Fixed some css warnings reported in the Firefox Javascript console. It still warns about the use of the proprietary filter: rule - however this is necessary for compatability with IE

Posted by Padraig O'hIceadha 2005-12-16

Online help for Ojax now available

The online help is now also available on the Ojax web site at (or follow the link from the Ojax home page).

Posted by Padraig O'hIceadha 2005-11-22

Project home page launched

The home page for the project has just been launched at

If there is anything you feel is missing from this page please let us know by posting a comment on the Ojax forums.

Posted by Padraig O'hIceadha 2005-11-22

First binary release now available

Version 0.0.1 of Ojax is now available.

To install download, unzip it,
and follow the instructions in INSTALL.

Have fun !


Posted by Padraig O'hIceadha 2005-11-16

All the server side (Java) code is in cvs

All of the code for the web services to provide the repository
meta search functionality is now available in the cvs repository.

A binary release of Ojax, including a web application (.war file) will be posted shortly.

Posted by Padraig O'hIceadha 2005-10-28

Added screenshots

If you'd like an idea of what Ojax looks like before taking the time to install and deploy it for your institutuon then check out the screenshots section for some good usage examples.

Posted by Padraig O'hIceadha 2005-10-24

All client side code now checked into cvs

All of the client side code should now be checked into cvs.

The Java code for the web service components should follow very shortly...

Posted by Padraig O'hIceadha 2005-10-24

Welcome !

Welcome to the OJAX Project.

We have just registered the project and have just started the process of adding the content.

An alpha release of OJAX has been developed and will be uploaded to this site very shortly.

Best Regards,

Padraig O'hIceadha

Posted by Padraig O'hIceadha 2005-10-21