
Pre-release 2.9.0pre4: Teletext EPG grabber

  • Tom Zoerner

    Tom Zoerner - 2011-01-09

    There's a new nxtvepg pre-release which mainly contains improvements of the teletext EPG grabber:

    - Teletext grabber: The need to an external Perl interpreter was removed by a complete re-implementation of the grabber in the C++ programming language. As a side-effect the grabber now runs slightly faster.
    - Teletext grabber: There were many minor updates, enhancements and fixes in overview and description page parsing.
    - The teletext "Now & Next" acquisition phase in nxtvepg was optimized so that in average 30 networks can be scanned in 10 minutes.
    - A new feature flag "HDTV" was introduced in the nxtvepg GUI: used for imported teletext or XMLTV EPG data.
    - The nxtvepg XMLTV export was updated to DTD version 0.5.56, which allow use of the "HDTV" and "audio:bilingual" feature flags.
    - XMLTV channel identifiers for "arte" and "das vierte" were added.

    Download nxtvepg:
    Download teletext EPG grabber:


  • Neo

    Neo - 2011-01-10

    Hi Tom,

    Best wishes 2011 !

    I am currently testing nxtvepg 2.9.0pre4. nxtvepg suddenly closes main window during acquisition ~ after 3 minutes. I no longer see the process in Task Manager.

    I have no problems with 2.9.0pre3 and Pearl ActiveState x64 installed.

    Missing something?

    I spotted a small error. On your website you explain that nxtvepg needs msvcr70d.dll library. But for new releases is msvcr71d.dll !!

    Best regards.


    PS : Windows 7 Premium 64 bits.

  • Neo

    Neo - 2011-01-11


    Something strange ! In Teletext grabber configuration form we can select "Capture Page range" (by default 300-399)

    If I change (ex 300-500), the settings are saved in nxtvepg.ini .. but if you open Teletext grabber statistics form is always 300-399 

    which one is correct?

    Best regards.


  • Tom Zoerner

    Tom Zoerner - 2011-01-11

    Hi Néo,

    Thanks for the heads-up regarding windows. I must admit I didn't test the windows port before release. Turns out there's a crash deep inside the boost library (which replaces perl in pattern matching) immediately during the first call into the library. Probably I previously didn't compile the library correctly; I did that already a year ago. I've got a version now that works at least in "wine" under Linux. I'll test it on my windows box soon and make a new release.

    As to the page range configuration: I'm sorry but this configuration option currently is just a decoy. Although the values are stored in the config file, the page range is hard-coded in the acquisiton control. I don't remember why (probably because Germany networks except n-tv don't have much interesting TV related info outside of 300-399.)


  • Tom Zoerner

    Tom Zoerner - 2011-01-15

    I've uploaded a new MS-windows release with a working teletext grabber:


  • Neo

    Neo - 2011-01-15

    Hi Tom,

    The link above is incorrect. Because You have rewritten over the old file !!

    nxtvepg apparently no longer closes! I continue to test.

    ++ Néo

  • Tom Zoerner

    Tom Zoerner - 2011-01-16

    I meant to rename the new release after upload, but apparently didn't. It's fixed now.

    What exactly do you mean with "no longer closes"? Where does it hang?



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